AEV JK suspension testing photo from today!


Expedition Leader
I've always been a fan of liftin' tires. Motorcycles, rockcrawlin', little SCCA action.


SE Expedition Society
I've always been a fan of liftin' tires. Motorcycles, rockcrawlin', little SCCA action.


Expedition Leader
I REALLY, REALLY want a trials bike!!!

I can just never seem to buy anything that can't also be used as daily transportation.

Currently have an 07 R1, 98 Triumph Speed Triple and 04 SV650.


Expedition Leader
Just an interesting note.

I had a buddy over helping me work on another project. He brought over his TJ with Teraflex long arm, 35s and 6" of lift. (without fender trimming this is the total lift needed to run 35s on a TJ, I can fit 37s on this 4.5" AEV).

I put a magnetic angle finder on his control arms and mine just for the hell of it.

The angle was witin 0.5* of each other.


Expedition Leader
Took it up Wheeler Lake today.

Couple of shots for reference. Rides really smooth over the rocks.




Front bushing at full stuff.




I wonder why you're trying to compare TJ vs JK arm lengths instead of comparing JK short vs long arm RTI scores with the same tires size.

Also, would love to see real time video of the JK on the slalom course, as evasive maneuvers at speed seems to be one of the things AEV really touts with this lift.

I have a FT LA 6" kit, absolutley love it long time on and off road, but do not look forward to having to avoid a wreck at 60 mph. Hell not even 30-40 mph.

My son would like a jeep next year if at all possible, and I would pick great/safe on road handling over anything else for him if we got a JK.


Expedition Leader
The reason for the comparison is simple. From talking to Jim at AEV he was able to illustrate why a JK does not need a long arm and a TJ does. The long arm concept was so successful for the TJ that it has become a marketing gimick for the JK.

Jim was able to illustrate the flaws of using a Long arm on a JK. He basicly stated that even given an unlimited budget to build jK suspensions he would still not do a long arm on a JK. Said the only way to do it right is to remove the gas tank for the right mounting points, and then the gain is very minimal.


Expedition Leader
I really wanted to get some video of the track day too. Unfortunately, I don't own a true video camera. My Nikon D90 does video, but you have to manual focus and look at the screen (not through the eye piece) to use it.

I tried a couple of times to take video, but the sun made it impossible to see the screen, which in turn made it impossible to see what I was filming and adjust the focus.

Took months to get access to the track, so pretty unlikely I will have a chance to go do it again with a real video camera.

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