AEV Salta Wheels are now available!!


Love AEV products but the wheel is to busy for me. Although it is very tame by todays standards. Lol.


strategic command
looks like a WRC rally car wheel to me.

Need to see one fitted on a jeep before I can say it fits.

So far, I have only seen these on that dodge AEV truck.


Here you go ...

The are reminiscent of the Defender Blindo Raid wheel (or Terrafrima Dakar)


I really like them for the Jeep and the Dakar's for the defender


Some sort of lost...
I wouldn't buy wheels from those liars again.

I bought pintlers a few years back. They claimed them to be hub centric and made it a major selling point.

Later on I was rotating tires in my garage and noticed that they were definitely NOT hub centric, and possible explaining the random intermittent balance issues. I called, emailed, posted on the AEV forums etc. They said oh no they are hub centric. Other members check and said theirs were too. About a year later I read several more people showing up on the forums with new pintlers and they are not hub centric. Dave finally posts that they opened the center bore larger at one point as some people had an issue with them fitting due to rusted hub/bearings. That they were not hub centric, but that it isn't important for them to be. Just plain liars.

I say spend your money elsewhere. There are better wheels for less money that are also not hub centric, only they won't lie and pretend that they are.


SE Expedition Society
I say spend your money elsewhere. There are better wheels for less money that are also not hub centric, only they won't lie and pretend that they are.
I agree.

I don't think there's anything from AEV that's worth the cheese. You can get better for less all over the place.
It's like the alligator on your polo shirt. It's not a better shirt.


Active member
I don't particularly like the look of the Saltas, but then I'm not hot on spoked wheels in general. I don't like the Pintlers either. I have the argent Savegres and am very happy with them. They are an extremely strong wheel and, in my opinion, look great. Could I have bought cheaper wheels? Sure! So what? I also have the AEV lift and think it's about as perfect as it gets. Could I have bought a cheaper lift? Sure. So what? There's always some bitter individual on the internet eager to sling vengeful mud and insist that you take your business elsewhere. The same with Rigid and JW Speaker lights. Could I have bought cheaper lights? Sure. So what? Could I have bought something "better" in each case. Perhaps, but that is highly debatable. Every single quality brand out there has its detractors. I do extensive research in each case and buy quality gear that I feel will fit my needs the best. So far, I've been extremely happy with every single "high end" equipment purchase, on this vehicle and every other vehicle I've owned through the years. The only times I've had problems is when I went the el cheapo route. In my experience, paying a few dollars more often saves headaches (and perhaps dollars) later. If you like the look of the Saltas and can afford them, go for it. "Better" is often a highly subjective term.
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