:26_7_2: I've just received, the WindEnergy "AIR X" 400 WATT AIR TURBINE
--I plan on using it at home and for extended periods of camping, I already have a 60 watt solar panel/controller that satisfies my battery/cooler camping needs now
I just obtained the wind turbine-because !!
--The new AIR X, has the alternater/controller/hi speed KILL circuits already contained internally, a kill switch is recommended, but you have to be careful with the hookup because of SHORTING + to -
The new AIR X, wil generate 2.9 amps at a 12mph wind speed and a full 400 watts at a wind speed of 28 mph
I don't doubt the quality of a quick release hub, but I'm afraid I wouldn't trust that method, of attaching a possible DEADLY HIGH SPIN WHIRLYBIRD (think helicopter) to it's turbine !!
If there's any interest, I'll show a small summary of my modifications after assembly
I live in California and there is NO WAY TO legally OPERATE A WINDGENERATER ,ON A VEHICLE, ON A PUBLIC HIWAY, so that idea is OUT !!
I figure the setup time, in camp, should be 15/30 minutes---we'll see
:gunt: JIMBO