Latest driver's side cabinet layout with Platinum Catalytic heater shown. We decided to go with this as a compromise between furnace and catalytic heater. We don't know what caused the fire on the last one, but wanted to avoid both the Atwood furnace or the Olympic heater in case they may have been the cause. The Platinum Catalytic heater is a compromise between the two that I found and Alaskan has installed previously.
Holy cow! I read your previous build and just noticed your misfortune and new future. Sorry for the past loss but excited to see this new one (honestly glad I just notice this, got to see a TON of progress in one evening.).
Considering you said the Atwood was not turned on while it was parked I don't readily see it as the likely culprit personally but you're much closer to the situation.
Was the camper plugged into shore power when this happened? If so I'd personally have been putting a very inquiring look into the 110v wiring. For some reason camper manufacturers incorrectly use household romex type wiring in camper circuits often, that stuff is not meant for moving/vibrating environment. That stuff is solid copper wiring if the wires get jiggled going down the road the wire can work harden and crack/snap (think about bending a paper clip back and forth), when that happens the resistance sky rockets and heat is generated which can melt stuff down and cause a fire... Stranded copper wiring should be used in both the 12V and 110V circuits if you ask me.
I'm pretty sure Alaskan is spec'ing true rv wiring and not household wiring in their campers. The camper was plugged into shore power and being controlled by the Outback system that was in it.
Even if the hot wire did break off - it then has to contact something to generate a spark to start a fire.
I'm pretty sure Alaskan is spec'ing true rv wiring and not household wiring in their campers. The camper was plugged into shore power and being controlled by the Outback system that was in it.
Personally I'll not be using any solid wire in my build.
Long runs with solid wire is not a problem.
the breakage problem will happen at junctions, and connections.
Like where wires enter a switch or fixture.