Wow, I've been neglecting this thread! It's harder to keep up with the build thread when you are almost done...
Not sure if I had mentioned it but I completed my waste veggie oil conversion (wvo) last June. It's a 2 tanks system so I guess that now makes my ambo an Hybrid vehicle

I've been using it for a good 15,000 miles so far and it's been great. This is my fifth conversion so far and still loving it.
Bunch other little projects got taken care of, Interior lighting, electrical upgrades... but one I've been wanting for a long time was to get going with a diesel heater.
The plan is to have both a airtronic and hydronic system. Thanks to a fellow member, I found a Webasto air heater for $150. I actually bought 4 of them and shared them with some good friends. Turns out 2 of them were brand new (2005 model) and 2 had very little use, great score!
Made our own wiring harness and control units, big money saved again
I put the Webasto into one of my bench storage and vented it directly out under the table. Made for a very simple and direct routing. Had to build a bracket to mount the heater as the ambo floors are 1.5" thick and would have been a pain to mount directly on the floor. I ran my fuel line inside a larger fuel line for protection and for now I think I'll just use this 2.5g Jerry can until I decide if I build a larger one. Finding a tank location could have been a challenge but turns out I had this great space waiting for love.
Still have to finish the wiring and havent received my exhaust yet but coming along, finally! And just in time for the season!!!
I also traded my Espar D10 for a smaller D5 but that project is for later on.
Anyway, here's a few pics.
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