Good day everyone, long time!
I'm getting ready for another short roady down California next month and one special request from my kids was to get better windows at the back. True enough, when the kids sit at the back there's only one small dark window on the passenger side and the front windshield. Basically, all they can see is the back of their parent's heads, some of the sky and not much else. No point to go on roadtrip if you can't enjoy the view right?
My goal was to replace the small window on the camper side door with a larger one and add a new one on the opposite door so both kids could see what's going on outside. They never roll down their windows when we drive so they only need to open when parked. Hence, I don't want sliders but windows that can be used when it's raining.
I looked at Seitz, CL Lawrence and other RV windows and was not impressed. They either don't have the size I need, are just too cheap, single pane or stupidly expensive.
Keep on doing what I've been doing all along... Improvise and do it myself

and this is what I came up with (still work in progress btw). I'm built an aluminum frame (sandwich style) and the actual windows will be double pane tempered glass on a wooden sash. The wood insulate better than aluminum and will be very cozy. Painted on the outside and stained/varnished on the inside. The outside frame is built with L channel and the inside with T channel (so that it also acts as a stopper for the window. Not sure if the pictures will make more sense than whatever I'm typing, lol. It's a little hard to tell but the outside frame slides inside the inner frame.
I got the frames done, just need to get them powdercoated before I start hacking my doors. And these are the two doors I'm talking about (sorry for the xl pictures of the doors).