AMERICAN's take note!


Expedition Leader
The least bit of research will show that:

-- This was a U.S. proposal TO the United Nations, not vice versa, during the Kennedy administration. It is worth noting that the U.S. and the USSR would retain armed forces of "only" 2 million troops, each. Read the full text here:

-- The context is missing as there was no way that that USSR would ever agree to any of this.

-- Nothing in this proposal has anything to do with internal peacekeeping, only international conflict.

Much of what is in this document has been accomplished through the START and test ban treaties. Ironically, this proposal, if adopted would have addressed two of today's hot ticket items - nuclear weapons held by Pakistan and India and Iran's development of nuclear weapons.

The current small arms discussions cover INTERNATIONAL trade in small arms, not domestic holdings. Again, there is little chance of these treaties being adopted as Russian and China make too much money selling small arms.

People, don't be mislead by fear mongers. Do some homework and get back to traveling!


Expedition Leader
The least bit of research will show that:

-- This was a U.S. proposal TO the United Nations, not vice versa, during the Kennedy administration. It is worth noting that the U.S. and the USSR would retain armed forces of "only" 2 million troops, each. Read the full text here:

-- The context is missing as there was no way that that USSR would ever agree to any of this.

-- Nothing in this proposal has anything to do with internal peacekeeping, only international conflict.

Much of what is in this document has been accomplished through the START and test ban treaties. Ironically, this proposal, if adopted would have addressed two of today's hot ticket items - nuclear weapons held by Pakistan and India and Iran's development of nuclear weapons.

The current small arms discussions cover INTERNATIONAL trade in small arms, not domestic holdings. Again, there is little chance of these treaties being adopted as Russian and China make too much money selling small arms.

People, don't be mislead by fear mongers. Do some homework and get back to traveling!

Hey, you're undercutting one of the NRA's chief fund raising tools! ;)



STAGE III (3), (c) The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes. Ref; Page 19 of doc.

If there is no doubt whatsoever that the civilian populations in America will be disarmed and soon, then review GCA 1968, then GCA of May 1986 which stripped the private American from having militia/military type arms manufactured after that date, then the systematic arming of government entities with implements of war throughout the U.S.A.

Oh, "again the U.S. military has already been converted to the force of arms of the UNITED NATIONS" and are now undergoing transition to quell the coming domestic unrest between constitutionalists and globalists, just ask PFC New about upholding the oath to defend the constitution. NO this is not something I just made up to bestow fear among the American population, fear is a weakness that makes tyrants powerful.

Americans will be disarmed and soon be it from peacekeepers or internal forces perhaps you need to just peep at the headlines a little all sides are calling for disarming the American population, the question still remains; What will you do submit to being disarmed, or?
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Tail-End Charlie
the question still remains; What will you do submit to being disarmed, or?

Despite the rhetoric and tough guy talk - all will submit.

Any who don't, will be classified as terrorists (or bath salts addicts) and "disappeared". And since habeas corpus has been deleted, they won't even have to tell you, your family or your lawyer what they did with you.

After they disappear a few, and kill a few others (and maybe exile a few to a Siberian gulag), everyone else WILL go along with the bloody program...

...or pogrom, as the case may be.

It's a proven playbook.
It worked for the KGB, it will work for the DHS.


Despite the rhetoric and tough guy talk - all will submit.

Any who don't, will be classified as terrorists (or bath salts addicts) and "disappeared". And since habeas corpus has been deleted, they won't even have to tell you, your family or your lawyer what they did with you.

After they disappear a few, and kill a few others (and maybe exile a few to a Siberian gulag), everyone else WILL go along with the bloody program...

...or pogrom, as the case may be.

It's a proven playbook.
It worked for the KGB, it will work for the DHS.

Shamefully true!


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you have not recently sworn an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies (i.e. as a serving member of the US Armed Forces) but I wouldn't stress on DHS suddenly becoming an action arm akin to the KGB.

I mean, if you want to bury stuff and hide from black helicopters, by all means....but I (we) are not turning into a force for the UN anytime soon.


Expedition Leader
I'm sorry but I believe that your arguments are an unfortunate collection of misinformation, misinterpretation, and simple error. There is probably nothing I can say that will change your mind, but I would suggest that you might wish to consider the following:

-- The Constitution of the United States and its amendments. (Note especially the historic context of both the original document and each of the amendments.)

-- The Charter of the United Nations. (You may also wish to consider who founded it, when, and why, and who the permanent members of the Security Council are.)

-- The mission of the Department of State. (Note that it executes the foreign, not domestic, policy of the President.)

All of this is readily available on the Internet, you could do worse than to start with the Wikipedia for basic facts and figures. Do let me know when the first United States citizen is disarmed by the United Nations.

For the record, I first took the oath to support and defend the Constitution in 1972. Last renewed my oath in July of 2007.

With respect,


Tail-End Charlie
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you have not recently sworn an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies (i.e. as a serving member of the US Armed Forces)

No, but after 18 years as a single father, my son did. Joined the USMC. Even got the little ribbon for joining during time of war. (Which in itself is unconstitutional, considering that only Congress can declare war - and the last time they did was what? 1942?)

but I wouldn't stress on DHS suddenly becoming an action arm akin to the KGB.

They have been since day one:

I mean, if you want to bury stuff and hide from black helicopters, by all means....but I (we) are not turning into a force for the UN anytime soon.

Sounds good, but it's a bit like that other question: When it happens - when you get a direct order to do something which violates the constitution - will you submit, or?

[EDIT: That was a facetious question BTW. When it actually happens, martial law will have been declared, and your oath will be invalid since the constitution will have been, "temporarily suspended".]
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It's not hard to see the dynamics of pacification /conquest being exerted upon the private American citizens by military/para-military entities using well known occupational force tactics of judge, jury and executioner however it's not reported or under-reported to prevent massive unrest.

International Law defines a standing army as and group of individuals in uniform or not carrying arms either concealed or openly and using military rank. Remind any of you of anything, perhaps what is called law-enforcement these days?

Then there is the certification of U.S. military/para-military entities as so-called peacekeepers/international LEO's all under the guise of defending humanity, as in UN dogs of war and herein America they wear two badges/hats or whatever you wish to call it for it stinks of insurrection and treason.

Only a fool would think it's OK wear a U.S. hat then wear a U.N. cap then come home after some pacification into submission campaign and wear a LEO or some three letter hat. What part of the Leon Panetta's statement to congress that the U.S. military is beholding to the UN in war making matters did not some INDIVIDUALS understand? I've included the web link in the beginning of this topic of the treaty entered into via insurrection/treason.

They have been disarming individuals for some time now and will continue until not even a whimper of individual freedom & liberty will be heard for the conquest will be complete and all will be economic slaves if they don't stand against it.

IMHO the predatory nature of government these days will be it's undoing!

Oh, I'm a disabled U.S. military veteran 1966/96, direct commission O-6 in 1996 as a counter insurgent.
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