adrscout- thanks!
PGW- the Coilovers are working great! The difference between the torsion bars and the coilovers at 20-60 mph off road is staggering. The truck soaks up bumps , much, much better. I also can adjust the ride height of the truck simply by adjusting the coils which is awesome. Saying that, I am not sure if he makes 2500 compatible mounts....., so you will have to check. I made a mini writeup below, of the only problems I have had.
The only "installation notes" are:
Minor Problem:
The driver side spring, under complete compression, rubs on the bolt on the inside of the fabricated top mount. I shaved a bit of material off the spring, and it doesn't rub anymore. Unsure if this is due to slight differences in GM fabrication, or if it will be a problem one everyone's truck. Very minor (probably didnt even need to do anything, If i hadn't painted the springs black over the PAC orange, I probably wouldn't have noticed the rub marks.)
Major Problem (but not for stock hubs, so if you have a stock hub this shouldn't apply):
The brake calipers under full lock would hit the bottom of the coilover mount and press the pistons away from the brake pad, and after full steering lock would lose brake pressure for a pump or two (scary when it first happened pulling out of my driveway). I had to shave the mount, and in doing so, I feel I made it too weak, so I welded some 1/2 bar in the mount to make it stronger again (I will take some pictures). SAYING THAT, I do not think this is the coilover mount's fault. It looks like the Rough Country lifted wheel hub allows for more turning radius than stock. Between the shaving/reenforcement of the mount, and then welding a 2"x2" 1/4 bar onto the steering stopper on the front of the stock suspension arm so that the stering stops before the mount and caliper hits, everything is fine and I still have more turning radius than stock. I will take a picture of this and post it, as pictures are worth a thousand words it seems.
Saying that, if you don't have the rough country lift and have the stock hubs, there will be no welding required. The only problem would be where the spring hits the bolt, but you'll just need an angle grinder. Everything else fits perfectly, and I am completely happy with it! I cannot say enough on how much better the truck rides at mid-speed off road.
Also- I went with the 650 lb 14 inch 2.5 PAC Springs for the coils for reference. If I did it again, I may have gone for the 700lb, but maybe not. It would probably be a toss up between the two, where only test and tune could find out the better. For those without a winch and two batteries, the 650's are probably perfect. Atomic's calculator and excel sheet was great for figuring out what you need, givcen you have some simple measurements of the truck's height and weight. Awesome customer service (emailing me back in the middle of the night, etc.)