I really like what your doing with your suburban, especially the multi-use mobile living/house setup. Reading through your posts, I noticed the mention of the heat exchanger/hot water pump system in your misc mods on your truck, from the beginning of the thread. As you suggested, would you mind doing a write up or explaining how you put it together?
Hey jcoov1104.
This past weekend I just redid the whole heat exchanger shower setup, and it is much, much better. My pump was being eaten up by the engine bay heat. I fit the pump, filter and mixing valves into a 18" harbor freight toolbox with quick disconnects for the heating loop. Uses a five gallon bucket as a "tank" and also an additional fountain pump to bring water from a river/ lake up to 75ft away. Everything fits in the bucket and the tool chest. I'll get pictures when i go camping next and post all the details. I have one or two improvements I want to make before making it "final"
I also recently added some curtains in the back. I took curtain material and think Mylar (thick enough to not crinkle or make too much sound). I sewed the mylar to the exterior of the curtain material and sewed a 1/4 inch metal rod between and then glued some high quality magnets on the window. A few weeks now and it works perfect. I am not sure if these curtains or the paint makes the biggest difference, but I can now sleep in to 1030-11 even in direct sunlight before having to open some windows and turn on some fans.