Anthony's trailer project


New member
more progress over the weekend.

here's a pic of it open with support I made from harborfreight truck bed bar and galvanized pipes from Home Depot.




I've also started on the carpet for the deck.

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Expedition Leader
Very nice! That's a great project you have going there.

Just curious, are you going to be able to deploy the flippac when the trailer is hooked up to your tow vehicle?


New member
Lynn said:
Just curious, are you going to be able to deploy the flippac when the trailer is hooked up to your tow vehicle?

I dont' think so. there's not enough space between them. My truck is about the same height as the trailer. I've never tried it....Maybe I see how it lined up.



Expedition Leader
anthony1 said:
I dont' think so. there's not enough space between them. My truck is about the same height as the trailer. I've never tried it....Maybe I see how it lined up.

Just curious. Personally, I would like to have the option of setting up camp w/o dropping the trailer.

Nice truck, by the way.


Heretic Car Camper
anthony1 said:
I dont' think so. there's not enough space between them. My truck is about the same height as the trailer. I've never tried it....Maybe I see how it lined up.

Hey there, Anthony! Didn't realize this was you from GCC until that pic!


New member
haha!...that's my twin brother.....

wait.....I remember I don't have a twin brother....I guess that's me then....


New member
For the past two day, I've carpeted the lid of the Flip Pac. The original mattress was missing when I bought it. I basically just glued the carpet without the padding. It's left over bur bur carpet from my house. I've also spent a lot of time just cleaning the tent part. No pic. I'm taking it out camping the next two days.
I'll post again after the trip....just two days of camping..


I love what you're doing with this build.

Too bad I didn't see this two days ago ... I have an extra mattress from my rain-test-gone-wrong. You can have it if you want, sent you a PM.

Bella PSD

Lynn said:
Very nice! That's a great project you have going there.

Just curious, are you going to be able to deploy the flippac when the trailer is hooked up to your tow vehicle?

Mount that Flip Pac on the trailer backwards! That way you can open it when hooked to the truck. Or, better yet, just flip the whole thing around. Just turn the truck bed AND Flip Pac 180!

I had the same idea while back but never found another Flip cheap to try it out. Got 2 M416 trailer for the start of the build but need the Flip. Super cool build!!!

Question...I have been trying to get a new torsion bar for about 7 months!!! How did you get yours??



New member
Mount it backward?...Hmmmm. I guess i have to squeeze myself in through the tail gate or the top part of the opening? :D
I plan to built a box in the front for propane tank and other stuff. I still don't have a place for a spare tire.
For a family of 4 it's pretty cramp in there. I plan to build a collapsible shelves above the deck that I built so I can put our clothes on there.
It's also difficult to level it. I forgot to do it when parking. I do have two adjustable legs in the back and a tongue jack in the front. I did my best to level with just that. I think I'll look into Pepboy's jack/safety stands.

Regarding to the torsion bar, I visited FRP twice and talked to Dianne over the phone a few times. I guess persistent pays off.....and maybe the chitchat....
You might push her for a date when you can call back to check then call her back on that day. She got the "boss" to let me leave the trailer for them to install the torsion bar as well as fixed some other little stuff. They really went beyond what I expected. I was really happy with the work as well as the way I was treated.
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New member
I just found your post. Awesome trailer. You stole my idea AHHHHHH. Just kidding. I have a home built trailer and as soon as i find a used flippac i am mounting it up. thanks for the pics i wondered how it would look. I have a 94 4runner do you have any picks of your trailer set up and attached to the vehicle?


Wow. That turned out very cool. Nice job on that!

If you don't mind me asking.. what was price range of what the repairs cost at FlipPac? I see broken down used ones for sale here and there.. Just curious what kind of costs are associated with repairing through them instead of buying brand new. :D Thanks.

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