Lets put this spin on the subject:
Lets say he did use a pipe bomb, lets say, there was a rash of pipe bombings going on.
What would be 'reasonable' to prevent it from happening again?
Prevent the sale of pipe?
Limit the diameter of pipe available to the public?
Outlaw the threading of pipe, so caps couldn't be screwed on?
Only allow plumbers and pipefitters, who have been trained and evaluated, to handle/touch/own/use pipes?
Sounds kind of silly, doesn't it?
Yet, pipes, caps, gunpowder, nails, etc. are all available to the general public.
All available without background checks.
Very capable of these items being turned into deadly weapons, with serious mas casualties.
Yet, the idea of 'outlawing pipes' sounds ludicrous.
Why? becuase it is.
Now, substitute the 'pipe' with 'automobile', still sounds kind of far fetched, right? Yet 'cars' kill people everyday, or do they?
Did the car that a drunk driver got into, and then hits a family, killing them all, cuase the deaths?
The car that, the owner purchased legally, took a test to obtain a driver liscense to operate, and had proper insurance on, did that car kill the family?
It's cold out, a young lady starts her car to let it warm up. It gets stolen, by a thief. The thief then gets into a high speed chase fleeing from police. During the chase, he runs over a man jogging on the sidewalk.
Did the 'car' kill the man jogging? A car that was legally purchased, liscensed and insured to be operated on the roads of America, did it kill the man jogging?
Should vehicles only be allowed to be driven by 'chaufers', people who hve passed extensive tests and phsyc evals?
Should we outlaw driving, to protect ourselves from......ourselves?
Now, instead of using a pipe bomb, or an automobile, lets use a gun.
All of a sudden, it's not 'silly' to some people.
I for one, fail to see the difference in any of the scenerios.
The failure, in all scenes, is human.
It's a sad situation, and one that will be repeated time and again, in one form or another.
There is no predicting human behavior, there is no regulating it.
I'm sure we all wish there was a 'Crystal Ball', something we could look into and see what a person will do in the future, and prevent it.
But there is no crystal ball.