My bad, I had erased 07s in my mind as some were 2wd and some had Turdy35s.
Now for the soap box;
Reliability wise from being on numerous Jeep Forums the last 7 years, besides the 7,500 2012s that had the bad heads, JKs have been pretty good unless you treat your Jeep like a dirty wet rag or take it into the dealer to have something fixed that you could've modded yourself. There are a lot of little issues that just take a mod to fix, but people still take them in even after people telling them not to on the forums and of course most wind up having very unpleasant experiences. Case in point, the latter 6 speeds have a rattle/rumble that people have taken in, some the entire trans is swapped and the problem is still there which could've been modded by simply slipping a rubber hose around the transfer case shift cable that rubs against the dash. This fixed mine and many others that heeded the suggestion. I'm not saying everyone's could be fixed this way, but most who take them in don't even attempt the mods due to having the "it's a brand new Jeep with a warranty and they will fix it mentality"! I also read this exact same scenario with the same results with new BMW and Triumph bike owners. Yes, some do have a major mechanical that must be taken in, but those are no brainer issues. That would be the only time I would ever take mine in, not to chase a vibe, rumble, rattle, roughness, etc. I've only ever taken my vehicles in so far for warranty recalls, never had a no brainer. I've had many brand new cars, trucks, bikes that I've kept for 10 years or more and they never saw the dealer once. Yes, I've had to lube, shim, dampen, tighten, reposition items on these vehicles to silence or adjust something that bugged the hell out of me, but nothing's perfect.