I have a light jacket made by them, nothing snazzy, just a brown jacket, some kind of soft lining and it's sort of waterproof. Probably got it because it was on sale or cheap, but I can't even remember how long ago that was or where I got it. I didn't get it for the name, but now you mention it, that thing is hanging in there well. I've worn it every Fall/Winter for many years now, I'm thinking more than 5, maybe more like 10 years, and it's still in good shape. I'm wearing it today actually.
This year I intended to replace it, just because I wanted something fresh, and got an Outback Trading Co oilskin jacket. I thought it would be suitable for the same temp range, but I was off and it made me sweat, but it's perfect when it's below 40. So I'm still wearing the Columbia whenever it's cool but not really cold out.