Here's the update I promised . . .
First, I should have mentioned it a while back, but the problems with the emissions sensors caused by my ill-timed use of the programming function straightened themselves out as expected. It took a couple of weeks of daily driver duty for things to snap back into place. Once the sensors were happy, no problems passing the emissions test. So the moral of the story is simply not to dork around with the programming functions within a few weeks of needing to pass a smog test.
Beyond that, though, all's well. The ability to have any of twenty readouts is pretty cool, and some of the stuff, like the transmission temperature and battery voltage, would be seriously valuable in some situations. You can also put JK dash readouts like the ambient temperature readout or the average fuel economy on the Trail Dash so you can devote the JK's readout to another function, such as Distance to Empty.
As I noted above, though, what you get with the Trail Dash is a single unit that handles both the parameter readouts like a ScanGauge and programming different engine tunes, like a FlashPaq. So with the price of fuel dropping, I decided to run premium fuel for a while to take advantage of the Level 5 Performance 91 programming:
It takes about three minutes for the unit to swap in the new programming.
So does it work? It seems like it probably does. I did about 400 miles of mixed driving and I think the truck seems more powerful. I've no idea what the Superchips engineers changed, and I could be imagining things to make me feel better about spending money on this thing, but I thought throttle response was better and I felt like downshifts under load came easier. It might be a little bit faster when accelerating from a stop, but the biggest thing I noticed was that it made the truck seem lighter . . . the truck didn't seem quite as big a burden for the Jeep's engine. I've known all along that the reason this 7000 pound Jeep is pleasantly driveable is because of the 5.13 gears, and any improvement due to the engine returning is comparatively small. I do think, however, that the tuning made things just punchy enough that most drivers wouldn't consider it underpowered.
I'll repeat that this is all subjective and I didn't care enough to even collect any basic performance data, but as things are now, the truck seems more than responsive enough to meet my needs. We're obviously not talking about truly quick performance, but I'm pretty sure that most everyone would find the current performance to be good enough to live with long-term.
There was one thing that was an issue for me: I had mounted the Trail Dash, with it's big, bright and borderline gaudy screen, within easy reach to the left of the gauge hood:
and, to be honest, that made the information it presented too "in your face." Things like RPM, instantaneous mileage, or throttle position are distractingly bouncing around every second, while other things, like battery voltage and average fuel economy, pretty much just sit there. So I had this big, clear display
in a great place to look at it all the time, but there wasn't anything on the screen I wanted to look at all the time. In such a prime location, it actually proved kind of annoying, especially at night.
But the information is useful enough that you wouldn't want to hide the unit, plus there are reasons you'd need to interact with it, so what I needed was a visible, accessible place that was not as visible as where I'd had it. Turns out that there was space to move the mount to the right of the audio/nav unit, where it's still pretty easy to read and get to, but not nearly as distracting.
So all in all, I'm pleased I have the Trail Dash and I think that both the flexibility and readability of the display make it an improvement over a ScanGauge, though probably not enough of one to warrant the 3x higher cost. But if you think you'll take advantage of the engine programming, I think it's worth serious consideration.