Any recommendations for a good CB with PA and siren function?

So long story short...on our last several day trip to the Unita's in Utah we ran across people illegally shooting some high velocity guns across the trail we were exploring. We had a few bullets whiz by the truck and hit trees literally a few feet from our vehicle which was carrying two children of two years old. Wasn't a pleasant thing. We tried laying on our puny horn but didn't seem to carry much as the shooters were some distance away. Well I have been meaning to get a CB radio eventually but now I'm looking for one with PA functionality and have the loud sirens or horns through the speaker as well. Most PA's have this function but is there a CB that also has that? Most CB's with PA functions that I've seen only have the ability to speak through the speaker. I would love an obnoxious horn that I could blare during situations like that. Any suggests would be great! I've also considered upgrading my vehicle's horns so that's an option too.
Yikes! This is why you should always know you target and what is beyond. :( *mad*

First, a siren isn't going to be street legal. You already knew that.

The PA function on a CB isn't going to replace a 'real' PA, nor is it going to have a siren built in. A cop PA and Siren system runs 140+Db (~100 to ~300 watts) to the speakers/horns, where the PA function on a CB gives you 8 watts. The PA function on a CB will be significantly quieter then the horn on your vehicle. You'll need to find a place for the "brain box", the "amplifier", and the "horn" speaker.

A CB's PA function allows you to talk to your spotter on a trail. It's not really an attention-getting device.

This is where you can find such a thing:

If you just want to be loud, then a trainhorn/air horn might be a better bet.

Bill Idaho

New member
Were the shots being fired across your bow because the shooters couldn't (or didn't) see you? Maybe they did and didn't care. That is a completely different problem that a CB with a PA won't properly fix. A bright marker of some sort-such as a USGI marker panel (I think they are referred to as VS17 panels) are stupid bright and made out of a tough fabric of some kind,. They are made to tie onto things-just what you would need. If they are shooting near you, (check local laws in that area) you need to make certain you are not trespassing, and if shooting is legal as well. If both are legal, then it might boil down to who was there first. If people are shooting, there is a significant amount of responsibility on both parties to insure safety is being observed. If you are legal to be there, and the shooters are doing something illegal, LEAVE and call the appropriate L.E. agency.
Were the shots being fired across your bow because the shooters couldn't (or didn't) see you? Maybe they did and didn't care. That is a completely different problem that a CB with a PA won't properly fix. A bright marker of some sort-such as a USGI marker panel (I think they are referred to as VS17 panels) are stupid bright and made out of a tough fabric of some kind,. They are made to tie onto things-just what you would need. If they are shooting near you, (check local laws in that area) you need to make certain you are not trespassing, and if shooting is legal as well. If both are legal, then it might boil down to who was there first. If people are shooting, there is a significant amount of responsibility on both parties to insure safety is being observed. If you are legal to be there, and the shooters are doing something illegal, LEAVE and call the appropriate L.E. agency.
It was public land in a dispersed camping area. There were families camping near by. We were not somewhere we shouldn't have been, the shooters were breaking the law. The authorities were contacted and were on location after. Many public areas and trails in Utah are littered with people shooting illegally. There are lots of irresponsible gun owners out there.

Robert Bills

For only $20 and no installation hassles you can carry one of these as a warning device (120 dB):


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