So long story short...on our last several day trip to the Unita's in Utah we ran across people illegally shooting some high velocity guns across the trail we were exploring. We had a few bullets whiz by the truck and hit trees literally a few feet from our vehicle which was carrying two children of two years old. Wasn't a pleasant thing. We tried laying on our puny horn but didn't seem to carry much as the shooters were some distance away. Well I have been meaning to get a CB radio eventually but now I'm looking for one with PA functionality and have the loud sirens or horns through the speaker as well. Most PA's have this function but is there a CB that also has that? Most CB's with PA functions that I've seen only have the ability to speak through the speaker. I would love an obnoxious horn that I could blare during situations like that. Any suggests would be great! I've also considered upgrading my vehicle's horns so that's an option too.