Any recommendations for a offline off road mapping system app for the iPad mini?


I've heard a lot about , but never used , GAIA ... could someone share the pros and cons of GAIA ? I love MotionX, hard to imagine GAIA could improve upon it ...


I'll 'second' (or third or fourth) the Avenza PDF Maps app. User friendly and free. Has direct to app map store (some free and some pay maps). User can upload any map of their own creation as well as long as it's a GeoPDF or GeoTIF.

Records way-points and tracks and can export or load way-points.

Has been a great map tool for casual back-country trips for me for years now.


B.S. Goodwrench
Does anyone have a recommendation for an offline off road gps mapping system app for the iPad mini?

I have very limited use with Gaia and love it and how it works, I used to run a DUAL GPS puck until Apple went 8.3, now it's inop!
I don't know what it would take for Gaia but I wish they had a Google Maps road rendering, I end up looking at and using their Cycling Topo the most.
Am hoping to explore a little bit and map my tracks with the USGS Topo Map soon.

I also have tried and am learning my way around Motion X-GPS HD, I like the map rendering in Motion X, but it has a lot of features and needs time to learn. At least for me.


B.S. Goodwrench
I wish Gaia would let me set a Zoom limit, I hate when I szoom in to far and road names are blurry. It might I just can't find it yet, lol...

I love how easy it is to track yourself with the Gaia app, and all the info you can see on the lower ticker of sorts. Very intuitive.

High Country Nomads

I run the HEMA Explorer app. A large number of maps are available offline and can be downloaded to device memory.

Does the Hema Explorer work in the US? I almost bought it the other day, then i noticed it said Australia all over it. I'm leaving next Thursday to go explore eastern UT and am trying to get something on the IPAD mini by then. Thanks


I have Hema and use it on the highway and in town but it does nothing for me off the beaten path granted its not the Explorer version, I intend to look into upgrading to the Explorer version soon.


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Hema Explorer includes Nokia HERE maps for the US (and the world), but no specific US data in it's current form. What did you end up using?


New member
I'm using a navigation app Spyglass that supports different maps, depending on my current needs: google maps, apple maps, open street map and open cycle map. It saves a map area that you open in a cache, so it can be used later when offline. It shows your accurate coordinates and your current position on a map, allows to mark locations and waypoints, share your locations with friends and much more.

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