Anyone bring firearms with them on trips?


Expedition Portal Team, Overland Certified OC0003
This thread started with asking "Anyone bring firearms with them on trips?". It did not ask for a response only from those that "packed".

If that was the intent of the thread, it should have been more specific.

Most if not all of the responses for not "packing", gave their opinions why & ended with a statement that they believed in your right to "pack".

Most of the responses for "packing", also gave their opinions why.

I don't think the responses were in any form political.


Robthebrit said:
Like I posted earlier I don't understand the whole gun thing, but I guess I never will, I want to live my entire life without ever touching one. The problems I see with guns are accidents and knee jerk reactions when you are angry. If there are no guns its a lot harder to get angry and shoot somebody in a rampage. For example, if you kill somebody in the UK with a gun its first degree murder, the fact you had the illegal gun or had to go and find an illegal gun shows all the intent necessary.

If a confrontation occurs in the US in the middle of nowhere it has a far higher chance of turning violent. The fact you have a gun is almost irrelevent as the people you are going to meet probably see the world the same way as you, they are almost certainly going to have guns. This alone gives any confrontation a different set of ground rules in the US than anywhere else I have been in the world. In addition, you are not necessilary going to win in a gun battle and are just as likely to get killed as the other guy. Whoever

Making the odds 50/50, not 100/0.

posted earlier that peoples attitues are different when they have a gun is bang on the money, your attitude may not be different when its friendly but when it starts to go sour then its more likely to shows - if it never shows you'll never use it. Somebody without a gun will respond very differently under bad situations. I would rather hone my skills in not having a gun and defuse

Yep, they can shoot back when threatened with deadly force. Of course, no one *wants* to shoot anyone else if they don't have to. The legal and emotional trauma would be devastating. But less so than being dead.

the situtation via other means or remove myself from the situation, these are skills you can take anywhere. Once you leave the US your guns are of no use.

People who pack know the firearm is their last resort. Why the assumption thay they don't understand this?

For all you people who carry guns how many times have you used them? I am guessing nobody has ever used one so am I any worse off by not having a gun? I have met my fair share of threatening and competely crazy people in the boonies but never felt threatened enough to do anything about it, sure
That's because you were not threatened with lethal force. You might feel otherwise if you had been.

they have been offensive and shouting things at the wife but you let that go, wave to them and keep similing. In this situation there were multiple people, stopping would of been asking for trouble and a gun would of been of no use.

No one would suggest otherwise in this situation.

With this in mind its a pity americans have to think that way, compared to most people I have met alot of them are more paranoid and worry about the extreme what if's - for example all the coments above about I have a gun to protect my wife or whatever. While thats very nobel where is the line between being paranoid and being prepared? My wife used to work in Compton, she don't need no help.

The people who I know who own firearms are not paranoid. In fact, they feel quite secure knowing they can equalize the odds if confronted in a lethal force situation.

By the way I hope this didn't offend anybody. I wanted to say how I see things being from a different country but having lived here for 12 years (gives me a unique perspective). While I am 100% against guns I not saying you shouldn't have one, I 100% respect your rights to have a gun. I don't think I'll ever understand why.

Lets keep it friendly.


No, not at all. The reasoning is really simple: there are bad people in the world and you can't always count on someone else to give up their life to protect yours. Having a firearm at hand and using it are two different things, but some want and train to have the option available to them. That's all.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
An old favorite Alaskan joke:

Guide says to client, "oh, I see you brought a .44 revolver along."
Hiker says, "You bet! For the bears."

Guide, "you might want to file the sight off the barrel before you draw it."
Hiker, "is that so I can draw it from my hip faster?"

Guide, "No, that's so it won't hurt so bad when the bear shoves that pistol up your......"

No guns for me. I'd probably shoot a hole in my foot. Just not something I need.


Expedition Leader
awalter said:
This thread started with asking "Anyone bring firearms with them on trips?". It did not ask for a response only from those that "packed".

If that was the intent of the thread, it should have been more specific.

Most if not all of the responses for not "packing", gave their opinions why & ended with a statement that they believed in your right to "pack".

Most of the responses for "packing", also gave their opinions why.

I don't think the responses were in any form political.

This will almost always turn into a political issue, you have to look at the group who believe in guns and those who don't. The ones who don't will obviously chime in and say no I don't take one on trips and the supporters that do will say yes we do. Fact is opinions are like **************** and we all have them. So as it might have been a good idea to throw a poll on this one and not ask why they bring it, and just if they do or don't. Fact is there are those of us who would rather take the chance and try to walk away from the fight and then there are the rest of us who will be nice until it's time to not be nice. I love my wife and brother and if their lives were in danger would lay it out there to protect them both no questions asked but i wont be swinging damn stick!



I don't carry. I have no problem with those that do, though I admit that I get uncomfortable around strangers that are openly carrying.

I work as a field geologist in AZ. I work alone and often near the border. I have encountered meth labs and cooks, pot farms, angry ranchers, visitors from south of the border with surprisingly large packs :) and along the borders of crazy bunker filled compounds with the US flag flying upside down. I have even been buzzed by black helicopters at night.

Have I felt uncomfortable, YES! The meth guys were the scariest. The pot farmer the coolest. Pretty much all the situations that started off aggressive turned out pretty cool. I'd tell them I am a geologist and start explaining what I was doing and how. Show them maps, explain the local geology and answer questions. Works like a charm every time so far.

Do I think about CCW, yes all the time. The biggest problem for me though is I have a love hate relationship with guns. I like to shoot, yet I have experienced the other side of gun violence. I hate to say this also, but being a 6'3" male and not a women plays big time into the calculus. Will I carry in the future, who knows.


OG Portal Member #183
awalter said:
I guess I'm one of the few here in the SW that have no desire to carry.

I am another one! No desire whatsoever!

Robthebrit said:
While I am 100% against guns I not saying you shouldn't have one, I 100% respect your rights to have a gun. I don't think I'll ever understand why.


Robthebrit said:
Lets keep it friendly.

Ditto! :beer:
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Super Doody

kodiak1232003 said:
we usually do.

12guage 870 shotgun in a quick release encosed action lock...fits in the trunk of my dd.

trying to get a setup for my ruger sp101, too, as its a great packin' pistol. fairly light, very stout, shoots .38 special or .357mag.

thinkin' about a "gunvault" lockbox that is opened much like my longgun lock...

has a five button keypad with key override. very cool. completely safe to completely ready for use in about 2seconds....not bad!

here's the gunvault...bolts to anything sturdy...

Thats great and all but how do you prevent people from stealing the box?
Getting back to the original question—yes, I always try to take firearms with me wherever and whenever legal...not just for self defense, but for recreation too. A pistol for self-defense (this is such a personal choice), an 870 for its versatility of ammo (rubber buckshot, flares, birdshot, to slugs) and a .22 for fun. I know it's an alien thing these days, sitting outside camp—doing a little plinking. Really, trust me it's fun. And, I've yet to be overcome with the aggressive bloodlust so commonly attributed to our “gun culture.” A .22 in your kit is also helpful in handling one of the more common, and dangerous critters (at least around here)--rabid skunks.

(Okay, I don't know if the next two paragraphs should be moved to the other thread.)

I know with each generation familiarity with firearms dies. Our friends, subjects in the Commonwealths, once owned and used firearms for to feed and protect their families—now that's a job for the “authorities.” Here in the States, there was a time in places like NYC where a kid with a .22 rifle heading off to an indoor range could share the subway or sidewalk with a fellow leaving Abercrombie & Fitch with his new .30-06 (yes, they once sold outdoor equipment before thongs and tee-shirts). Now, such a scene would be cause to call out SWAT. Growing up I did know of one man who didn't own at least one firearm—never gave it a thought, but I have to say it was a wonderful, safe, loving, childhood. I know for many this new trend is seen as a good; but unfamiliarity, ignorance, and superstition over inanimate objects bothers me a bit. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll will win out in the end—having the “authorities” take care of us is the easiest path.

I have one question for members of this “vehicle culture”--am I sending out bad vibes, or being paranoid, by carrying a tools, recovery equipment, first-aid kit, auto insurance? I carry two spare tires—jeez, what does that say about me?


xcmountain80 said:
This will almost always turn into a political issue, you have to look at the group who believe in guns and those who don't.

I still don't see the political side of things with carrying a gun. I'm not a democrat or republican......can you tell if I carry or not now?

Super Doody

Robthebrit said:
Like I posted earlier I don't understand the whole gun thing, but I guess I never will, I want to live my entire life without ever touching one. The problems I see with guns are accidents and knee jerk reactions when you are angry. If there are no guns its a lot harder to get angry and shoot somebody in a rampage. For example, if you kill somebody in the UK with a gun its first degree murder, the fact you had the illegal gun or had to go and find an illegal gun shows all the intent necessary.

If a confrontation occurs in the US in the middle of nowhere it has a far higher chance of turning violent. The fact you have a gun is almost irrelevent as the people you are going to meet probably see the world the same way as you, they are almost certainly going to have guns. This alone gives any confrontation a different set of ground rules in the US than anywhere else I have been in the world. In addition, you are not necessilary going to win in a gun battle and are just as likely to get killed as the other guy. Whoever posted earlier that peoples attitues are different when they have a gun is bang on the money, your attitude may not be different when its friendly but when it starts to go sour then its more likely to shows - if it never shows you'll never use it. Somebody without a gun will respond very differently under bad situations. I would rather hone my skills in not having a gun and defuse the situtation via other means or remove myself from the situation, these are skills you can take anywhere. Once you leave the US your guns are of no use.

For all you people who carry guns how many times have you used them? I am guessing nobody has ever used one so am I any worse off by not having a gun? I have met my fair share of threatening and competely crazy people in the boonies but never felt threatened enough to do anything about it, sure they have been offensive and shouting things at the wife but you let that go, wave to them and keep similing. In this situation there were multiple people, stopping would of been asking for trouble and a gun would of been of no use.

With this in mind its a pity americans have to think that way, compared to most people I have met alot of them are more paranoid and worry about the extreme what if's - for example all the coments above about I have a gun to protect my wife or whatever. While thats very nobel where is the line between being paranoid and being prepared? My wife used to work in Compton, she don't need no help.

By the way I hope this didn't offend anybody. I wanted to say how I see things being from a different country but having lived here for 12 years (gives me a unique perspective). While I am 100% against guns I not saying you shouldn't have one, I 100% respect your rights to have a gun. I don't think I'll ever understand why.

Lets keep it friendly.


Its all about your personal experiences and how you were brought up. I live in SF bay area, CA. Its a very anti gun area. But I feel people see guns as a threat and increasing chance of danger are some what influence by the media. Most of the time, they have never been to a gun range or been taught about gun safety or even shot a gun. So how come you make a decision about something you never experienced?

Its all about what we perceive as a "risk" or "dangers". Its different for all of us. For example I see crossing the street every day as a risk because I work in downtown SF. I lived in small towns before where you just cross and the cars will stop for you.

Fortunately, I learned about guns and most importantly gun safety through rifle merit badge in boy scouts.

I have a gun because for sport (clays) and home defense. I'm self sufficient. If something bad happens, I'm not to be helpless and wait for the cops to show up.

Jonathan Hanson

Well-known member
Short answer to the original question (I posted a political opinion in the new thread): Yes. Glock 31 or 32 in .357 Sig. Sometimes a Colt Commander in .45 ACP. In the past: HK USP .45, Sig P229 in .357 Sig, CZ75 in .40, Smith and Wesson Model 19 in .357 Magnum, and probably more I can't recall at the moment.
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Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
GeoRoss said:
The meth guys were the scariest. The pot farmer the coolest.

You met our neighbors, Ross! (We live just north and west of Arivaca as the crow flies, just south of 3Points)

GeoRoss said:
I hate to say this also, but being a 6'3" male and not a women plays big time into the calculus.

I'm glad someone said this, finally! I've been trying to get that point across, too.


GeoRoss said:
I don't carry. I have no problem with those that do, though I admit that I get uncomfortable around strangers that are openly carrying.

I work as a field geologist in AZ. I work alone and often near the border. I have encountered meth labs and cooks, pot farms, angry ranchers, visitors from south of the border with surprisingly large packs :) and along the borders of crazy bunker filled compounds with the US flag flying upside down. I have even been buzzed by black helicopters at night.

Have I felt uncomfortable, YES! The meth guys were the scariest. The pot farmer the coolest. Pretty much all the situations that started off aggressive turned out pretty cool. I'd tell them I am a geologist and start explaining what I was doing and how. Show them maps, explain the local geology and answer questions. Works like a charm every time so far.

Do I think about CCW, yes all the time. The biggest problem for me though is I have a love hate relationship with guns. I like to shoot, yet I have experienced the other side of gun violence. I hate to say this also, but being a 6'3" male and not a women plays big time into the calculus. Will I carry in the future, who knows.

I am in a pretty similar situation. I have never minded others with guns, but have never owned a gun of my own, even a rifle.

I think when considering back country travel, it is a different scenario than asking if folks were packing guns going into the inner city or some such scenario.

In back country travel, I think that without guns most are still going to be safe.

If you trip on the occasional pot farmer or meth cooker, it is a mutually beneficial situation to have both parties mind thier own. Most of those kinds of situations may be tense at first, but both parties are relieved later on. The 'cookers and farmers' glad to know it isn't the 'man' and the traveller for going peacefully on their way.

I think Hollywood has way too many people convinced that if they run into a situation with 'unsavory' characters in the backwoods that you will end up in a shallow grave. That really is just not the case. Not saying bad things don't, or couldn't happen...just saying that the perception is different from reality.

Yet, while I do not personally carry a gun, but someone in my party does...I admit it does feel like a nice bit of insurance...


Expedition Portal Team, Overland Certified OC0003
DesertRose said:
You met our neighbors, Ross! (We live just north and west of Arivaca as the crow flies, just south of 3Points)

I'm glad someone said this, finally! I've been trying to get that point across, too.

I totally agree, that needed to be said long ago.


Super Doody said:
Its all about your personal experiences and how you were brought up.

That I 100% agree with, I am sure if I grew up here I would have a very different view on guns. They are just something you don't see in the UK, however a few people do have shotguns, farmers in particular.

I did find it funny that you learnt to handle a gun in Boy Scouts, I learnt how to make a fire! It is encouraging to see that most of you guys who do carry guns have a long history with guns and some decent traning. This is another reason why I will never have one, I probably shoot mysel with it.


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