Getting back to the original question—yes, I always try to take firearms with me wherever and whenever legal...not just for self defense, but for recreation too. A pistol for self-defense (this is such a personal choice), an 870 for its versatility of ammo (rubber buckshot, flares, birdshot, to slugs) and a .22 for fun. I know it's an alien thing these days, sitting outside camp—doing a little plinking. Really, trust me it's fun. And, I've yet to be overcome with the aggressive bloodlust so commonly attributed to our “gun culture.” A .22 in your kit is also helpful in handling one of the more common, and dangerous critters (at least around here)--rabid skunks.
(Okay, I don't know if the next two paragraphs should be moved to the other thread.)
I know with each generation familiarity with firearms dies. Our friends, subjects in the Commonwealths, once owned and used firearms for to feed and protect their families—now that's a job for the “authorities.” Here in the States, there was a time in places like NYC where a kid with a .22 rifle heading off to an indoor range could share the subway or sidewalk with a fellow leaving Abercrombie & Fitch with his new .30-06 (yes, they once sold outdoor equipment before thongs and tee-shirts). Now, such a scene would be cause to call out SWAT. Growing up I did know of one man who didn't own at least one firearm—never gave it a thought, but I have to say it was a wonderful, safe, loving, childhood. I know for many this new trend is seen as a good; but unfamiliarity, ignorance, and superstition over inanimate objects bothers me a bit. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll will win out in the end—having the “authorities” take care of us is the easiest path.
I have one question for members of this “vehicle culture”--am I sending out bad vibes, or being paranoid, by carrying a tools, recovery equipment, first-aid kit, auto insurance? I carry two spare tires—jeez, what does that say about me?