Anyone know of a good kml to gpx converter?

Paul 3

Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0011
Sure. GPSBabel is a free download that converts numerous different formats from one to the other. Should be just what you need.




Wow, converts straight to Ozi. Can't beat that.

We're headed up to Ouray next Saturday, Google Earth has been crashing on my tablet for some reason. I want to convert all my GE stuff over to Ozi just in case GE goes tango uniform up in on the trail.

About 1/3 the way finished with saving images via GoogleOzi.

Thanks again, this helped a bunch.:ylsmoke:

dirty Bakers

I want to be ale to do this but I don't have the slightest clue what all the terms mean. Is there someone willing to come to my place and walk me through it?


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I want to be ale to do this but I don't have the slightest clue what all the terms mean. Is there someone willing to come to my place and walk me through it?

If nobody can swing by, I'd be happy to walk you through the process on the phone.


Sure. GPSBabel is a free download that converts numerous different formats from one to the other. Should be just what you need.


I just downloaded GPSBable today and really like the polygon feature! I have a huge KML database of waypoints and want to download a small region into my old handheld Garman GPS. This software did the trick. It took some fiddling to get all of the settings right but it works as advertised. I'm thinking about loading Backcountry Navigator onto my phone and using the same method to load a subset of waypoints. Ultimately I will buy a GPS receiver and some topo software to use with a laptop.

This software kept me from having to write my own extract software. :) As a side note, if you are using the command line interface then creating a .bat file allows you to store your parameters for reuse at a later time.

Thanks for recommending it!


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