Anyone tried/have info on swapping a GM LS or BBC/DMAX into a e350?


Ive searched all over the internet and have came up empty. As I sit and dream/plan for a future 92-14 e350 build ( one day I will get the wife onboard, probably after she gets her new durango and my old mega and c300 become a new more communing based 1500) I dream of doing such a thing. Dmax if diesel ( im in cali so this would be a hard one ) or a stroker 8.1 converted to x58 with a 6l90e ( this has already been done just not with the stroker crank) and if all else fails, a supercharged 6.0.

Not a fan of the triton engines and since space is a premium on the van engine compartment, I figure the smaller physical footprint of chevys' pushrod engines would be a benefit.

Has anyone else every tried/approached or thought about this?
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Sorry but I've got to ask, you don't own the van yet? Why wouldn't you just get a Chevy van with a Duramax in it from the factory. That would have to be so much easier and less expensive. Or, a Chevy van with a factory 6.0 and put the supercharger on yourself.


I want the extended version, the ford has a shorter wheel base that should help with maneuverability, plus theres just more support for things like poptops bumpers etectra and MGs sweet 05+ D60 swap kit and you can pic up older 5.4 e350s for dirt.


I seem to recall that CARB required engine swaps to be from the same manufacturer in order to even begin to be approved. Then again I don't think y'all test diesels, meaning you could use a diesel titled one to start from.


I have not of CARB caring about staying with the same manufacture but the DO only want newer motors swapped in and going from gas to diesel is a PITA as far as CARB is concerned. AND, you WILL have to pass SMOG testing with the newer engine year diesel or not as diesels now have to pass SMOG going back to 2001 at least. Talk to a GOOD SMOG shop and diesel shop and get there input, might be too much money.
If you start with a SMOG exempt diesel vehicle you can switch to gas n not deal with SMOG until you get caught (if you do).
I have a few friends with late 70s Chevy square bodies that yanked the diesels out and replaced with 454s and don't have to SMOG because they are still "diesel" as far as the paperwork is concerned.
Good luck, I left CA because of CARB and living expenses getting too high.
Another thought, there are, or at least were, 3 CARB free counties left in CA (2 North n 1 South), find out which n make a friend or move to them. I lived in 1 but I know it's going CARB soon.


You can swap between manufactures here in CA but there rules you have to follow, some highlights are:

cannot use a 49 state motor in a vehicle that had a 50states certified motor

the donor engine must be same year or newer than the vehicle its going into

the donor engine must be of the same weight class or LESS than the vehicle its going into ( 3500 engine in 150 no go 1500 in a 350 is a go )

all emissions for the donor engine must remain intact along with working check engine light and OBD port if so equipped

any aftermarket parts for donor engine have to be carb/epa approved parts ( how ever if you have a mild comp cams etc installed how are they going to know )


Taking china by land would be easier than convincing my wife to move away from family (she has to come to that conclusion on her own ), besides, unfortunately its only a matter of time till every state sucks with emissions.


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Thats why you got to love mi .. because there is no inspections kr smog whatsoever , you can swap w/e you want

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