I noticed that there is another offering in the blue wrapped aluminium cells, with the latest being the 310ah cell, its Just a little bit taller than the 280ah cells.
I was looking at the 280ah cells for a 560ah 12 volt battery pack to replace my current 3 year old 240ah lithium battery, but the added 60ah capacity would be better as I tend to work with the 20% SOC As part of my energy management.
has anyone used these yet And found a reliable seller Chinese seller on either platforms
the 240ah lithium battery is going into another project, so I’m not looking at parallelling to increase capacity.
I was looking at the 280ah cells for a 560ah 12 volt battery pack to replace my current 3 year old 240ah lithium battery, but the added 60ah capacity would be better as I tend to work with the 20% SOC As part of my energy management.
has anyone used these yet And found a reliable seller Chinese seller on either platforms
the 240ah lithium battery is going into another project, so I’m not looking at parallelling to increase capacity.