FourByLand said:
My email starting this thread was the last time I logged into the expo forum until very recently.
We had just finished a long thread in which I felt like someone was harassing everything I said and I was feeling very depressed and alone. So I apologized for anything I said that caused ruffled feathers during that thread and other recent threads. I decided that I didn't need any additional negatives in my life at this time so it would be a good time to take a break from the expo forum. Also I've been feeling like an old expedition traveler has been who can not afford to put fuel in the Rover and tries to keep going by retelling old stories & posting old pictures that everyone already knows by heart. A very poor substitute for being out on the trail creating fresh tails.
I had not realized that my apology had grown into a long thread in my absence. It was off the front page when I logged back into the forum and I didn't bother to go searching for it. I only just saw it because there was a fresh post to it.
I was very touched by reading all your replies to this thread. I should print them all out and put them on the wall in front of the computer as a remembrance that I'm not completely alone in the world and there are those who would actually care if I lived or died. And there were a few personal messages I recently read that I found to be very touching. Thank you one & all.
Since I reached my late 40's I've been living on the edge of depression, occasionally sliding well below its surface. My college degrees are very obsolete and I'm afraid that I just have not had the energy to take advantage of opportunities that have recently come my way. Late last year the IRS decided that they didn't like the way I was doing my taxes & hit me with back due & huge fines. They took 100% of my income for almost 6 months. Time during which I could not afford to have my prescriptions filled, saw my savings dwindle down to nothing and my credit cards maxed out just trying to keep a roof over my head. No allergy medication meant I could not sleep longer than 3 or 4 hours at a time without being up to cough up a lot of phlegm and worsening asthma. Which of course left me an even more depressed zombie and maybe a tad insensitive to postings of others. During this time I've developed a medical condition that should be looked at but I don't have a clue as to when I can afford a DR visit, let along lab tests, medications & more if needed.
Most days I've just wondered through in a depressed zombie daze hoping for the day to hurry up and be over so I could be another day closer to when the IRS would let go of me and I could start affording to take care of myself.
The IRS has finally let go of me for now and I've had 2 paychecks to call my own. I was able to buy one of my allergy medications and a blood pressure medication and I'm spending everything left on my credit card debt. There is virtually no spare money until my debts are under control. Then of course I get to face paying taxes on the money I never saw because the IRS took it all.
I didn't mean for this to become a sob story, I just thought you guys were owed an explanation as to why I have been acting strangely then disappeared.
Though the reason I stayed away from the expo forum for so long is something different. I got carried away cleaning out old cookies from my computer and accidentally deleted expo forum cookies. I also forgot my password. For some reason the Forum's password reset path does not work for me. I never see the email telling me what my new reset password is. I tried the "contact us" email address at the bottom of the page but never received a reply and the other email address that can be accessed without logging in goes to a full mailbox. I finally emailed someone on the overland journal web site and asked for help. A password was mailed to me and I've been back for a couple days now.
Thank you all for your kind words of support. I really appreciate it. Linus especially thank you for your kind words.