APRS Integration With Gaia GPS App


An official feature request has been made of the Gaia GPS app to integrate APRSdroid info.

If you go to this and vote and comment, they will see the value of integration.

It would be great to have the integration and if nothing else it will foster more interest and use by hams.

With more input of info, the APRS system becomes more useful as a resource as it was designed.

Backcountry Navigator just started integration in a beta version.

Gaia has a significantly greater amount of users and I find it to be a go to for nav.

APRS is a ham radio based information source that is of particular relevance to overlanders and travelers, offering the opportunity to access local info, optional tracking, as well as two way messaging without the use of cell service.

The more use of it, the more useful it becomes.

Please consider voting and /or commenting. It will only take a minute to do. thanks !



Middle Income Semi-Redneck
You keep talking about Spotwalla. Have you ever used it? It doesn't do anything like Gaia. It's an online service to manage your position beacons and upload KMLs (it can't even handle GPX files) so it's not a mapping tool per say and hasn't got any offline functionality.

As far as online applications it doesn't mimic anything from APRS and if you have Internet service using aprs.fi is much better, since it can handle APRS messaging and positions of other station dynamically. You can do some of that with Spotwalla, primarily feed your APRS data into it and have that show up on a Google map and forwarded to people you want it to.

If you're trying to contact someone using the APRS-SMSGTE and APRS-email gateways is much more effective, being they are two-way links to non-hams using email and text messages.


"the raven" actually just went to the Gaia app feature request link and stated they dont support it and went on to spout more stuff about Spotwalla.

incredulous !


Any one hear of any update on this? I'm looking to replace my truck mounted laptop with an iPad as it sounds like there's more software for iOS. It would be great to also integrate APRS into the navigation software. If Gaia doesn't support it anything working outside of Gaia at the moment?


havent heard any update. I use android and Backcountry Navigator Pro has APRS integrated in beta . I have zero idea of what is available for Apple stuff.

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