ARB Awning Room Input?


JDM Journeys
Bringing this thread back up again from the depths. I took the plunge yesterday and ordered the awning and the room, at 2000x2500. My reasons are the same as many here. Had an RTT, and though I loved the concept, in practice it was not that convenient, esp with a 7 foot garage door. I'm hoping to use this awning tent setup as a sleeping area for shorter trips when we don't have our trailer, and it should also be easily deployable on all three rigs, depending on where we are going.

I am curious, if anyone knows, about the compatibility between pieces? I'm wondering, for example, if you could use the extension sides/front walls in tandem with the enclosed tent/room itself? Seems to me that a nicely sloped wall on the windward side would go a long way toward making the room more hospitable for sleeping in wind/rain, not to mention more durable. But I'm not sure how the wall hangs? It might need the sail track that the added room is already using?


Calling-in from west of the Rockies
I've been mulling over the idea of an ARB awning +full enclosure for awhile. It seems like a more streamlined set up when compared to a RTT.

I'm curious as well about how well this room performs in the rain (when properly staked and angled). Do you guys experience any water blowing in from the top where the side/wall panels attach to the awning frame?


Specifically the top of the walls that snap onto the frame at the 1:12 mark in this video:

It seems like there would be gaps present which allow for rain intrusion.


I bought this combo for an overland trip through parts of British Columbia..
Set up and take down can take a few minutes but not too bad, easier with two people.... especially if its windy.
If youve ever been up to BC you know how wet it can get... I used a separate tarp to use as a base to help the floor from being damaged but overall it seems to be of good quality. Once its all set up, its pretty sweet. If your rig doors line up with the opening in the room (for car access) than its perfect! I drive an FJ and that room opening doesnt match up with my FJ doors.

What I learned is that when using it in cold weather, theres a lot of head room that needs to be warmed up so its best to set up the awning with a slope, as steep as you can make it and still be comfortable inside. That slope of the awning also helps with rain. My biggest problem is condensation but everyone has different ways of dealing with that.

I own a set of bunk bed cots and theyre perfect for the ARB room.

In wind, it does flap, but if your stretch it out properly and tie it down then itll be fine.

The one thing ARB needs to work on is the windows, they only open from outside which can be annoying but nothing major. However, the windows only zip down from the sides, and not the bottom allowing any breeze hitting your tent to make its way into your room making it cooler. If youre layered properly and have good sleeping bags this isnt much of a problem either. Especially if you have a tent heater.

Another tip: take something you can sweep the floor with so you dont store it with all the dirt inside
One more tip: try to let it dry before rolling it up...or next time itll have nice smell with it

My favorite part of this combo is ARBs customer service. My room started to tear along a seam (probably my fault) I sent them some photos, they replaced it real fast. Still using my torn one until its truly done, have the new one sitting at home.


Bunks also turn into a couch so thats pretty awesome to have in the room



I just spoke to the customer service guy, and my order number hasn't gone into their system yet, but I put on the comment section during check out that it was for my 6'7" x 8'2" so hopefully they will pick it up. Otherwise, I hope they have a good return policy.

EDIT: The guys over at 4wd are awesome!! They contacted ARB, confirmed my fears, and told me I need the ARB13204, so they changed it up and are sending me the correct size!

THANK YOU COSMICCHARLIE for the quick research and reply!!
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Ok so I got it in, did a mock-up in the driveway, I love this thing, just one small modification, I'm going to purchase some puzzle-ended gym mat (lightweight) to use on the floor so my table and chairs dont rip it up.

Here are some driveway pics... And yes the inside flap to get into the vehicle is a little off due to me placing the rack and awning further back than most.
room front.jpg
room rear.jpg
room inside.jpg


New member
anyone try and use a telescoping tent pole in the middle of room and or awning to elevate the middle to prevent rain from pooling on awning?


Aventurero de la Selva
anyone try and use a telescoping tent pole in the middle of room and or awning to elevate the middle to prevent rain from pooling on awning?

Yup, been doing it for a couple years now, after a bad 3:30 AM collapse and interior flooding....


New member
Yup, been doing it for a couple years now, after a bad 3:30 AM collapse and interior flooding....

Thanks for the reply, Are you using with just the awning or the awning and tent room? My thought was to grab a telescoping tent pole, and put a tennis ball on the top end, and to give it enough tension to prevent the pooling. Any suggestions or what you are doing would be helpful. Thanks again


Aventurero de la Selva
Any suggestions or what you are doing would be helpful

I'm using tent room w/ awning. I use a spare telescoping pole from an African Outback awning I have, sorry they are NLA.

One comment on the awning tent use, IMO its not really the right tent for geography/climate with heavy rain. Light to moderate rain fine. But heavy and sustained dumping of rains, like what east coast of US and central america (in green season) can deliver, will test the tent limits - even with a center pole.

I'm migrating to OZ model 4 when my play money account is replenished.


New member
Thank you, yeah I'm not on the coast or anything. It would just be for the occasional storm while camping. Thanks again

The Raven

Could someone post a photo of both the fabric and the room packed up so i can see the fabric weight and pack size

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