ARB Fridge "Clunk"


Old thread, but my edgestar 43qt does this too and it's driving me crazy. Like something's loose in the compressor. Edgestar keeps saying it's normal.


The problem with the "Classic" ARB Fridge Freezer and others that use spring-mounted compressors (typically made by Secop/Danfoss) inside a sealed black tank is that some come loose from the springs, and thus bang into the wall of the tank with every bump in the road.

In my case, the "clunk" was solid and loud enough when hitting bumps to make me think my 05 4Runner had a suspension or other undercarriage problem.

Inspection of the suspension by me and others found nothing loose. Then I rode in the cargo area -- where the fridge lives -- while my wife drove over minor bumps. It quickly became apparent that the clunking was coming from he ARB Fridge.

When I removed the fridge's vent panel that covers the workings, all seemed secure ... until I jostled the fridge around. Then I heard the compressor clunking inside the black containment tank. I made a video/audio recording, attached it to ARB's online warranty claim form, and hit "Send." A week went by as a trip launch neared ... (see my next post, below).
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Man On a Mission
This is a very common issue with a lot of fridges, Every Snomaster I have owned Does it and to make sure it was normal all the others they had in stock I checked them too and they all did it but No ARB should not do it at all, and if it does then the mountings have come loose inside and it will only get more and more loose as it gets older until it comes apart inside.

Domestic fridges do it all the time each and every one of them but in an off road fridge they should be mounted solid.
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After a week passed without word from ARB, I called and left a message with a tech support person. Soon thereafter I received an email from ARB stating that it would promptly ship a replacement fridge, with a return label for the defective one. No hassle at all! (Good that I'd sent a video/audio with my claim.) That is great customer service ... two months before the three-year warranty expired.

I will add that while waiting to hear back from ARB, I did contact SnoMaster (which uses its own compressors, not Secop/Danfoss compressors.) The fellow said they, too, get a few similar warranty claims each year. So, it happens.
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Man On a Mission
Good well done, I told you is was stuffed and it is good that they have come to the party, Mine have never made that noise,

Let us know how the new one works out and if it clunks at all, as long as the Couriers are gentle with it it should be fine,

Good Luck.


Following up ... The replacement compressor arrived. The box showed no damage, but the delivery guy wasn't as easy setting it down as I would have wanted. But heck, it is an off-roady fridge. It is working well. The solid clunking noise is absent. Some minor sounds come from it now and then, but nothing remotely like the previous one. So I am satisfied and impressed with ARB's response.


Man On a Mission
Following up ... The replacement compressor arrived. The box showed no damage, but the delivery guy wasn't as easy setting it down as I would have wanted. But heck, it is an off-roady fridge. It is working well. The solid clunking noise is absent. Some minor sounds come from it now and then, but nothing remotely like the previous one. So I am satisfied and impressed with ARB's response.
All 4x fridge will make a gurggling sound thats quite normal, Some sound like they are bubbling as well so if it is doing either of those that is Normal, Ok.

Good luck and have fun.

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