Rendezvous Conspiracy
Just noticed that my ARB37qt fridge thinks it is a freezer only. I am testing it now before I turn it in for warranty work. I have it set now at 40 degrees and a digital meter I have inside is saying -12 thats right -12 degrees. It is keeping ice cream solid as a brick. I have it plugged into 110v house power at the moment. Also the remote sensor is 3ft away and is not receiving signals from the fridge at this time. Not sure what is going on with it. It was working killer last time I use it. Any ideas that come to mind??? Also the display is not reading right, it is now -13.6. Works great as a freezer but bad for stuff you want to keep cold and not frozen. Seems like the compressor is not cycling off and on, now -15. Just staying on and not turning off. I"ll let it run till about 9PM tonight and see what it does.
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