Are montero's slow?


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Mine ( 95 SR 3.5 on 32" s) only does 85, but it will do it all day long, empty , fully loaded , clean roof, full racks .....don't matter.

The fastest I've gone in a '94 SR (3.5 DOHC) on 31" all terrains was 120mph, might have been a little faster but that's as fast as my speedo went to. Keep in mind lordtrunks and I were teenagers when we did this, now in our 30's I don't think my Montero has seen 80mph in the 10 years I've owned this one (well maybe when my wife drives it).


If the engine hesitates or is slow to rev up in P or N then there may be a timing issue. I had low stall rpm as well before and thats because the engine timing wasnt correct and in turn it did not produce the power necessary for the 2100rpm stall or so stated in fms. Took me a while until i figure that my 3.5 engine has a 3.0 reluctor wheel on the crank sprocket. Changing that reluctor wheel made a huge difference in power brought up my stall speed. The down side from going from 3.0 reluctor to 3.5 reluctor was losing 2-3 mpg but its all worth it.


I am going to test the tps and replace the O2!sensor tomorrow. As well as the teams fluid and see where we are.

Here is the trend. The last full is not shown and it was 9.3. I am by far not aggressive with it and drive pretty slow.


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Replaced upstream oxygen sensor, was original best I can tell because I could not get the plug off of the bracket by the transmission. And the sensor looked very "used"... did a drain refill of the transmission with the Eneos type-sp, grounded the battery cables together. So far the tank average jumped to 12mpg last fill up. It was prob half when I did the work. Premium fuel. I'll wait to see the next one.

Noticeably more pickup off idle. Smoother too. Once moving it goes pretty good with a lot less throttle. And the exhaust isn't stinky anymore, which the wife noticed, I didn't... Trans shifts buttery smooth now. TC stall is still on the low end at 2200ish. Also running 235's now so they are heavier and taller.

Wife will tell me more whenever she droves it... She likes power....

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