Are there no side by sides discussed here?

I wonder how much the attitude has changed since I first started this thread? Not everyone that drives a sxs is a drunken maniac. I’m a wilderness photographer and fossil hunter, If going too fast, I could miss something really cool! And I don’t drink alcohol.


Expedition Leader
I've been looking at (slightly....) using several for a desert crossing expedition; although the general issue is that they're not designed for travel. Adding a trailer and haul vehicle that would need to be stored somewhere kinda turns me off to them in general.

I do have a 4 seater Rhino with a small bed that I use on a ranch for fixing fence, etc. and it's really handy. Wouldn't want to travel in it though.

I've run on numerous rescue calls for UTV/SXS accidents...seems like the demographic drawn to these is the "hold my beer and watch this!" crowd; although it's hard to generalize.

The land version of the PWC. # of Deaths and serious injuries and number of calls for rescue off the charts. Turns a very capable tool in the scourge of the lands.


Kapitis Indagatoris

Have you seen the current fully optioned SxS that now cost $45,000 and up? D@#$.....I couldn't believe it when I saw it last week at the MC Dealership. The ones we use to use for work were in the $12-$15 range (of course that was over 15 years ago). I mean you can still buy a low optioned Jeep, Bronco or 4wd truck for less the that! Wow....


Expedition Leader

Have you seen the current fully optioned SxS that now cost $45,000 and up? D@#$.....I couldn't believe it when I saw it last week at the MC Dealership. The ones we use to use for work were in the $12-$15 range (of course that was over 15 years ago). I mean you can still buy a low optioned Jeep, Bronco or 4wd truck for less the that! Wow....
Yup. Which is why they probably aren’t discussed much here. It one thing to own a car you modify to use on trail. Its a whole other thing when you buy a machine thats not street legal just to drive on trail sxs etc.


Well-known member
As a kid I had worked with a few farmers and they just used tractors to work the land and pickups to traverse, grab bushels of apples or corn, and whatever.

But another friend of mine who was not a farmer but had some amount of land, they had something we called a terrajet. Dont know if it's a name brand or something. Sort of like a side by side or mini jeep that we used to get 2 to 4 of us into and tool around his property, check out the pond, go through the woods. Probably good for hunting too, so I imagine the side by side is good for that.

I look at them like I look at the Jet Ski. There are just some places that are too tranquil for them to be allowed. Other places, different story.

But as others have said. You would need more trailering etc.

I saw the Grand Tour Namibia episode where the three toured along the coast with buggies, and it looked really cool out in the middle of nowhere where you can only hurt yourself


So what is it? Do you hate them, or hate them with a passion? LOL

I try, try, try to not hate anything, but SXS vehicles do earn my ire more than most other user groups. I have a local buddy who is a flight medic. He continually tells me about all of the gnarly crash victims he transports. I'm sure you've seen a few. In virtually every incident, stupidity and neglect have cause the trauma, and more often than not to the poor sap riding along, not the dolt behind the wheel.

Again, I don't mean to paint an entire user group with the same brush but....seems to work.

The freedom to paint an entire user group with the same brush is human, and I'm human, so here goes. And yes I realize I'm in some user groups that are generally hated, like being a white male American, etc. etc.

I hate side by sides. Lance couldn't have put it better. They are the Harleys of the offroad world. They travel in packs and make way too much damn noise. Like locusts. Like charter buses full of tourists just ahead of you at the rest area or a small tourist attraction. Like schoolbuses full of kids showing up at the quiet park when you went on a Wednesday just to avoid the crowds. Like hiking clubs. Like groups of more than 3 road cyclists. Did I mention like Harleys? I'm probably getting dangerously close to touching a nerve, perhaps even my own, when I Jeep clubs.

But here we are.


Western Dirt Rat
Know that they are being actively banned from many areas, see: Moab. The places you can go are shrinking for all of the reasons above. I hate them. Too loud and too many little kids at the helm for how capable they are. And they DESTROY trails, rub them to the bone and make travel miserable for any other mode of transport. Doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to use them, but I'm generally for most of the bans and even more for the major 4x4 groups to distance themselves from them. Bad bandwagon to hitch yourself to if you're a Jeeper.
It’s not the SXSs that are the problem, it’s the turds that won’t follow the rules. These pismires exist in every group.
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Have you seen the current fully optioned SxS that now cost $45,000 and up? D@#$.....I couldn't believe it when I saw it last week at the MC Dealership. The ones we use to use for work were in the $12-$15 range (of course that was over 15 years ago). I mean you can still buy a low optioned Jeep, Bronco or 4wd truck for less the that! Wow....
When I was at the motorcycle show a couple weeks ago one of the dealers had this model there:

Screenshot 2024-02-12 135948.png

I just about popped a log when I saw the price. That'll buy a brand new base model JL Rubicon or Big Bend Bronco with Sasquatch.....

Screenshot 2024-02-12 140334.png
Screenshot 2024-02-12 140648.png

I mean to each they're own but I know what I'd spend my money on.


Kapitis Indagatoris
When I was at the motorcycle show a couple weeks ago one of the dealers had this model there:

View attachment 819505

I just about popped a log when I saw the price. That'll buy a brand new base model JL Rubicon or Big Bend Bronco with Sasquatch.....

View attachment 819506
View attachment 819507

I mean to each they're own but I know what I'd spend my money on.
Yep, a base Wrangler is $32k and a base Bronco is $36k.....think of all the places you can go in either one!


Yep, a base Wrangler is $32k and a base Bronco is $36k.....think of all the places you can go in either one!
A good sxs is going to go a lot more places than a full size rig is.

I think the ones that make the most sense are the 50" compatible ones, lots of cool trails to access that you can't fit a full size sxs through let alone a Jeep/Bronco

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