
In 2015 I had already reported in my South America travel blog about how much the blue dollar had improved my travel budget in Argentina.
The following example quickly shows that there is a lot of money at stake if you change over accordingly.
Official exchange rate: 1`000 USD = 8`812 Peso
Street exchange rate: 1`000 USD = 15`102 Peso according to https://bluedollar.net/ (at 16 Dezember 2020)
Of course, it is not for everyone to follow the often rather sleazy guys in the shopping streets of the city centers with their "Calling Cambio, US dollars" into a back yard to change cash worth 1,000 USD.
Today you have much more relaxed options with Western Union:
Article: https://www.4x4tripping.com/2020/12/argentinien-und-der-blue-dollar.html?m=0
There is a language Switch to the right ;-) We can only hope that we will soon be able to travel relaxed again.
Drink a beer on me, if you was able to save some additinal bucks!
(If u like some travelling pictures out of South america? --> https://expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/latest-photo.13849/page-187#post-2862637