scott i am down to do it, i have the resources and the time i just dont know if i will do the photo and daily logging justice it deserves. looking at the map i would hazzerd a guess that i have run the majority of the route sans the extreme southern end.
if LTfuzz falls through for some reason lemme know.
it was definately a camera on a string, whatever thats called, it travels between a tree crotch in one shot and if you watch closely you can see it travel in elevation following an arch a couple times. way cool technology and style everytime i see something like that. i also really like the driven motor on tracks thing that is getting more popular.
It looks like you are the only member to commit with confidence. Send me a PM and we will get the ball rolling!
Couldn't you both do it? I see 3-4 guys being ideal. Couple with GoPros, a handheld video camera...and everyone with a camera to combine resources.
it was definately a camera on a string, whatever thats called, it travels between a tree crotch in one shot and if you watch closely you can see it travel in elevation following an arch a couple times. way cool technology and style everytime i see something like that. i also really like the driven motor on tracks thing that is getting more popular.
scott i am down to do it, i have the resources and the time i just dont know if i will do the photo and daily logging justice it deserves. looking at the map i would hazzerd a guess that i have run the majority of the route sans the extreme southern end.
if LTfuzz falls through for some reason lemme know.
I'm heading out Friday to go camping.
Loaded onto my GPS is Scott's secret stash of waypoints.
The plan...stitch them together into something we can call the Arizona Traverse.
Let's hope I don't get distracted and run down to baja instead:sombrero:
I'm heading out Friday to go camping.
Loaded onto my GPS is Scott's secret stash of waypoints.
The plan...stitch them together into something we can call the Arizona Traverse.
Let's hope I don't get distracted and run down to baja instead:sombrero:
2 wheels, one cylinder :sombrero: