He has a wet cell battery, while yours is an AGM. That might make the difference.
Ah, thought it was AGM when I looked it up but maybe I looked up the wrong one. Regardless, he's got a good resting rate!
He has a wet cell battery, while yours is an AGM. That might make the difference.
is the isolator switch in the on position ? According to the manual page 15, the switch should be in the "on" posistion. The manual also says that when using the Anderson plug the smart charging circuit is bypassed
Is there any easy fix for my broken USB port as stated on page 2?
I received my new ArkPak and so far so good..................Until I tried to plug in the Anderson plug. As I tried to plug in the plug the plug on the ArkPak just pushed into the housing. I was able to pull it back out but there is no way to plug in an Anderson plug.
What does the battery switch actually do ? I get voltage at all the terminals whether the switch is on or off. Once again, Brett from ArkPak is absent .
I'm also having my own issues with the Anderson plug. I just finished wiring up my Anderson plug to go to the arkpak. When switched on, it reads 12 volts, like it should. However, when plugged into the arkpak it doesn't recognize it and does not switch to charge mode. It feels like it is pushed in all of the way. Is there a way to check if the arkpak is getting the 12 volts from the plug? Are other people having this problem?
I had a nightmare of a trip to Colorado last year with charging problems. I was constantly pulling over to make sure the dc-to-dc charger was actually charging. It wasn't always, so for the back half of the trip, I had to use the 120v charger through my truck's inverter. PIA. In an attempt to not idle my truck at camp for literally 6 hours to get the battery charged back up I spent a decent chunk of money to put the Anderson plug in. I need this to work. I leave for another trip next week. Ideas?