Wiffleball Batter
.Has anyone found military surplus immersion heaters to be useful when camping?
Useful for what? Putting your family on KP?
In all seriousness, that gear is bulky, heavy, cumbersome and unless you need to heat a LOT of water and keep it hot for several hours, I can't imagine it would be worth the hassle to carry it around. Maybe if you had a boy scout camp or a summer camp or something but I'll bet there are easier and more efficient ways to heat water now.
.I don't see them around anymore; is this a bad idea that came and went, or forgotten technology?
They don't issue mess kits either. Everything is disposable now. T-rats, paper plates, plasticware, all of which gets put in the trash and hauled off. Even places that serve hot A's still serve the food on paper plates (for you non-Army types, "A Rations" are real food prepared in a field kitchen by the mess section) so there's no need for immersion heaters anymore.
Oh, and BTW, having a last name that starts with "A" really sucks when the 1st Sergeant is constantly re-doing the KP roster (since it's always done alphabetically.) Those a*****s Williams and Zimmerman never had to pull KP!