AT Comanche upgrades


New member
Most of the salient points are here in the thread. Since you are local, the best think you could do is come visit our open house on July 9th and pore over the MJ in person.

I have read through but the old pics of your long arms are no longer up.

I have a good idea of what i want after reading through your build and many others. I think the clayton long arm kit (maybe a modified version) is what i am going to end up with in the front and deaver springs in the back.

I am no longer local moved back to Florida


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0004
I am unfamiliar with the Clayton LA kit. We built our own. In hindsight, I would have been better off with an off the shelf kit. I think you are taking the right path.

The Deaver Springs were custom made and not off the shelf. They required 2 trips to Deaver: First to measure up, second to get them corrected for load as they lost my weight information and made them for a stock truck. I would think if you look around in your area, there might be a spring company that can make what you need without having top ship all the way from CA.

I have read through but the old pics of your long arms are no longer up.

I have a good idea of what i want after reading through your build and many others. I think the clayton long arm kit (maybe a modified version) is what i am going to end up with in the front and deaver springs in the back.

I am no longer local moved back to Florida

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