Auto liability insurance for europe


Well-known member
My wife and I have been living and traveling the US in our Toyota Tacoma with a Four Wheel Camper Fleet for the past 10 months waiting for the world travel to open. We are shipping our vehicle to the UK and are looking for recommendations for an auto insurance company for the UK and the EU.



New member
I’ve had policies with Clements before as they seem to cover anything/anywhere. Never have had to use the policy and there are some horror stories in the web. Sorry - not super useful feedback but it’s all I have.


Well-known member
No I appreciate any advice, thanks! We’ve been in communication with Clements but didn’t know about they have such mixed reviews. Checking out Geico International as well.


New member
In the Uk one of the camping organisations is The Camping and Caravanning Club. I know they do insurance and European breakdown cover for members. It's not expensive to join. Don't know if they cover non Uk registered vehicles. Might be worth an email to find out.


Well-known member
Thank you all. We went with as they were a bit cheaper than Alessie. Here’s Alessie’s rates for anyone who’s interested:
“Premium indication for drivers/riders over 25 years of age for Third Party Liability insurance:

The first month Euro 259 and each consecutive month Euro 105 per month. So for 3 months Euro 469. (259+ 2x105), for 6 months Euro 784 and for 12 months Euro 1414.”

BTW, Northern Europe is open for fully vaccinated Americans. We’ve been traveling for about four weeks now.
Overall, visitation is still done 75%, my guess.

Our truck at Egeskov Castle in Funen, Denmark

Overall, visitation is still done 75%, my guess.


New member
Did you just purchase liability insurance, or comprehensive insurance? It looks like purchasing liability insurance is doable if you bring your vehicle to Europe, but not sure whether it's possible to buy comprehensive insurance.


Well-known member
Did you just purchase liability insurance, or comprehensive insurance? It looks like purchasing liability insurance is doable if you bring your vehicle to Europe, but not sure whether it's possible to buy comprehensive insurance.

We ended up just buying liability insurance from Tour Insure for about $130 a month. Full coverage was too expensive for us, I think it was about $900 for our truck. Yours would depend on how much it is worth. It was easy and quick. Good luck!


Another option for future for certain types of trips. When we family travel we usually fly and then rent. Just did this for Croatia and Montenegro 1 month ago So this does not apply specifically to Overland exactly but World Nomad has a comprehensive travel insurance at 2 levels and the upgrade includes $35000 for the vehicle and I am not sure it matters if it is a rental. But it also is trip insurance for all occupants and the price depends on how many people , medical, theft, trip cancellation and so on is included. I had a fender bender in Italy years ago and the policy worked. It is secondary coverage so you don't add rental car insurance just this. I will check that out for my longer trips to Baja when I usually just buy Mexican auto insurance when I am driving my own vehicle. On previous trips to Argentina I have used this policy - but again we brought some minimal camping equipment since we were flying and bought some cheap stuff there - not ideal but for short trips it is an option. The thought of having your own vehicle on a very long trip would be awesome but this is a budget way to do such a trip when time is an issue. Which is most of us!

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