AWilson013's GX 470


Well, the 4Runner is off to it's new owner, so it's time to introduce the "new" GX470.

Here's where we'll start this thing. I believe this was taken on the day I bought it.
DSC_0031 by Alex Wilson, on Flickr

This is the most current shot. In this picture I still have the OME 896 rear springs which were far too stiff. Running Toytec Superflex HD now.
DSC_0085 by Alex Wilson, on Flickr

2006 GX 470 Sport w/ KDSS
OME BP-51 Coilovers
OME BP-51 Rear Shocks
Toytec Superflex HD Rear Springs
Wheelers Offroad Superbumps front and rear
Dirt King Uniball UCAs

Wheels and Tires
Stealth Custom Series F5s
Cooper ST Maxx 255/80R17

Xenon Depot Xtreme HID Low Beams
3000k Amazon LED Fog Lights
LED Interior, License Plate, and Back Up Lights

Factory Mark Levinson w/ Grom Audio BT3 Bluetooth Module

Weather Tech Mats (Front, Rear, and Cargo)

Front Runner Slimline II
Cascadia Vehicle Tents 79" Awning (w/ Front Runner Brackets)
Cascadia Vehicle Tents Mt Cayley Roof Top Tent (w/ Front Runner Brackets)

Offroad Stuff...:
Rear E-Locker from 2007 FJ Cruiser w/ Factory Wiring
ARB CKMTA12 Dual Compressor w/ Tire Inflation Kit and Quick Deflator Mounted w/ Slee Bracket
OPOR Sliders
RCI Aluminum Skids
2x TRED Pro Recovery Boards

In the more distant future I'd like to do a hidden winch setup. Or, perhaps an aluminum front bumper if anyone makes one that doesn't look hideous. My intent is to keep the vehicle as low and light as possible.
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Looks good. How are you liking the V8 compared to the 3.4?

sub'ed for the updates... I'll mimic you after you figure everything out. :)


Very nice truck, can't help but think I'd replace my 4R with a GX should the need ever arise


Looks awesome. I'm always on the look-out for GX 470/460 builds. I just went the similar route going from a 3rd gen 4Runner for a GX460. I was originally shopping for a 470 and then came across my 460 (which was a fantastic deal). I'm doing a lot of similar projects as you are. Keep up the good work!


He's there JLee...we're all impatiently waiting on that BP-51 install!

Alex, have you gotten that locker/wiring installed yet? My elocker install is in the not too distant future and I'd love some inspiration!


Looks good. How are you liking the V8 compared to the 3.4?

sub'ed for the updates... I'll mimic you after you figure everything out. :)

My 3.4 was supercharged and had 4.30 gears, so honestly the power doesn't feel too much more with the V8. However, the delivery is SO much more smooth.

Very nice truck, can't help but think I'd replace my 4R with a GX should the need ever arise
I'd recommend it =)
Hefty is the only one (to my knowledge) making aluminum bumpers for the GX. They have front and rear, as well as aluminum skidplates (that are not on their site yet - pricing is the same as the 5th gen 4Runner skid plates).!/03-09-GX470/c/20472136/offset=0&sort=normal
Hefty's site indeed does not show GX skids, so I didn't know they were an option. I order the RCIs late last night (aluminum) with the 15% off code in the T4R group buy.
Looks awesome. I'm always on the look-out for GX 470/460 builds. I just went the similar route going from a 3rd gen 4Runner for a GX460. I was originally shopping for a 470 and then came across my 460 (which was a fantastic deal). I'm doing a lot of similar projects as you are. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! The 460 is a bit too nice for my uses, I think. We test drove one back in July for my wife, but she thought it was too big and didn't like the gas mileage. Ironically, I don't think her new IS gets much better.
Gorgeous truck! I need to do some research into the FJ cruiser e locker swap.
If you don't have KDSS you can just toss the whole axle under there. Since I have KDSS my friend and I are going to remove my whole axle, modify the housing (thankfully something HE has experience doing), and just install the differential and locker from the FJ. Since I am an OEM freak, I'll be using the factory e-locker computer, harness, and switch as well. The only non-OEM thing I plan to do is install the computer behind the cargo panels in the rear.
He's there JLee...we're all impatiently waiting on that BP-51 install!

Alex, have you gotten that locker/wiring installed yet? My elocker install is in the not too distant future and I'd love some inspiration!
I am too... I really do not care for the air suspension after experiencing it for a little over a month. I imagine it's not in the best of shape, but I find the ride to be a bit too... I don't know what to call it... Clunky? Especially on small pot holes like where just the top layer of asphalt is gone off the road.

The E-locker install was supposed to take place this coming Saturday but had to be pushed back a week. Hopefully Saturday the 18th!


So today's the 18th - my wife's bday and we're at a resort sipping drinks poolside and I'm wondering how the axle swap is coming along 😀

Have you yet been in a situation where sans rear locker had you unable to climb or is this primarily a proactive upgrade??? Apologies if you already stated your motivation. GL!!!


So today's the 18th - my wife's bday and we're at a resort sipping drinks poolside and I'm wondering how the axle swap is coming along ��

Have you yet been in a situation where sans rear locker had you unable to climb or is this primarily a proactive upgrade??? Apologies if you already stated your motivation. GL!!!

Hey, sorry I missed this.

I have never taken my GX offroad, so it's a purely proactive upgrade. However, on my last offroad trip in my 4Runner I was with a couple 4th gens without lockers and I was less than impressed with their performance. On rather easy trails (my 4runner was in 2wd most of the day, with the locker being turned on a couple times) they were getting hung up on obstacles that I never would have considered a challenge. This could be driver error, but I don't know. Was pretty discomforting.

The locker is in, and functions perfectly using an e-locker ECU from a 2000 4Runner and the button from the 2007 FJ Cruiser donor. I am very impressed with how much of a difference having the ECU mounted in the rear makes. It engages and disengages MUCH faster than the locker in my 4Runner. We (I say we, but really it was my friend) didn't swap the axle, but instead modified the axle housing on my GX, and just swapped in the elocker differential.

Also got my aluminum RCI skid plates installed the other day.

Still waiting on the BP-51s :coffee:


I also found that with KDSS my spare tire doesn't even come close to fitting underneath.

Unfortunately, that means it must be stored inside, since a bumper is not on the menu for quite some time.

That said, a friend of mine fabbed this up with some scraps he had laying around at work. Bolts into the 3rd row seat brackets, adjusts up and town, and can swivel (as much as the tire allows) to make mounting/dismounting a bit easier.



Sorry for the cellphone pictures. Won't happen again :p

Also converted the rear to coils (with the Metal Tech kit) and installed some 2017 4Runner springs. Lowered the rear a bit more than the "N" setting on the airbags, but not a lot. I need to take pictures.


If you'd be so kind as to throw a writeup of the locker install over on Mud, that'd be much appreciated (assuming you and some buddies pulled this off). If you simply dropped it off to have someone else do the work, no worries. Good suspension mods, tires and the locker install's not a small job for a rig that you've never been offroad with. Don't worry about the cell phone pics, go get that thing on some trails.....and then take some pics for us :)

Spare tire - looks like a nice-and-snug fit back there - well done (props to your friend on the execution).


If you'd be so kind as to throw a writeup of the locker install over on Mud, that'd be much appreciated (assuming you and some buddies pulled this off). If you simply dropped it off to have someone else do the work, no worries. Good suspension mods, tires and the locker install's not a small job for a rig that you've never been offroad with. Don't worry about the cell phone pics, go get that thing on some trails.....and then take some pics for us :)

Spare tire - looks like a nice-and-snug fit back there - well done (props to your friend on the execution).
+1 on locker write up

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


If you'd be so kind as to throw a writeup of the locker install over on Mud, that'd be much appreciated (assuming you and some buddies pulled this off). If you simply dropped it off to have someone else do the work, no worries. Good suspension mods, tires and the locker install's not a small job for a rig that you've never been offroad with. Don't worry about the cell phone pics, go get that thing on some trails.....and then take some pics for us :)

Spare tire - looks like a nice-and-snug fit back there - well done (props to your friend on the execution).

+1 on locker write up

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

The locker install itself is pretty straight forward and has been outlined in quite a few different write ups already. Essentially you use the gasket for the differential of an e-locker equipped axle to outline the 4 holes you must drill, and the notch you must cut on the housing. Ones the holes are drilled and the notch is cut you tap the holes to match the studs, clean the mating surfaces, apply some RTV, and bolt the new differential in!

Where it gets tricky is with the wiring. Again, a TON of people have retrofitted elockers, and there is actually a kit available for a
plug and play" harness from Low Range Offroad. However, I have heard less than stellar reviews of it.

As I said, I used an elocker ECU from a 2000 4Runner (Part Number 89533-35070) and the switch from the 2007 FJ Cruiser donor vehicle (sorry, no part number).

To get everything working took some trail and error, an EWD for a 2007 FJ Cruiser, an EWD for a 2000 4Runner, and a drawing my friend had used in the past to do other elocker retrofits. I'd be lying if I said I understood it all, but I got the gist.

From the locker (luckily we had the OEM plugs) we ran the wires (extended via a 6 wires trailer harness) to one of these:

From there, we ran to the ECU (which I mounted underneath the storage compartment in the rear, driver's side cargo area with velcro), again with the trailer harness.

From the ECU we ran the 3 wires (2 to the switch, one to 12v) under the door trim pieces, and up to the fuse panel/dash.

***I don't want to say which pins we ran to where as I am sure they're different on many vehicles (as we found out while trying to work all the diagrams together).***

Next, we needed a location for the switch. Since my GX is a fully loaded Sport (minus rear entertainment) there are zero blank switch panels. Since I never plan on using the 2nd gear start, I popped that switch out, zip tied it up into the dash, and placed the locker switch in it's place. However, I did order the mirror switch panel (part number 55446-60050) for a 2007+ GX which has an extra blank. I just need to get around to modifying my mirror switch as I am way too cheap to spend $150 or so on a new switch, when a dremel can make my switch work just fine.

The next speed bump was an indicator light. Since the GX was never offered with a locker, there isn't one in the dash. Additionally, since I am a freak, I absolutely did not want an aftermarket LED light somewhere informing me the locker was engaged/disengaged. So, in order to remedy this, we used the switch itself as the indicator by providing switched 12v power to the positive wire of the switch, and running the ground for the switch to the intermittent ground on the ECU. Now, when driving around the switch is not lit up. When I press the button the switch blinks as it's engaging, and holds solid when engaged.

If you guys have any specific questions I could likely answer them. If not, I can ask my buddy that did 99% of the work. He has a few of these types of swaps under his belt =).

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