Bought some of the quick fist mounts from Sierra Expeditions. Thanks...very fast shipping.
Made a couple of aluminum mounts for them, and mounted on the rack. Seems to work pretty well so far for not alot of $$.
looks good, dallasrover.....
I have an axe/shovel mount made by ConFerr for my ConFerr rack, but it doesn't hold the axe real secure when there ia shovel in it I am going to try and improvise something with the Quick Fists
These clamps are very secure! Im not sure how they would work on a high lift but they work great. I use them on all of our off road race accessories and the non clamping surface is weldable or can be drilled and tapped for use with bolts. Weld or bolt any kind of mount to the clamp and just clamp it on. Great for removable ham radio antennas, Light bars, some roof racks, fire ext. ect.
thats the one i have, too. i'm still configuring my setup, so not sure on the final positioning...but i've run it before on a previous rig and its great.
by the way, i use a roofing shovel rather than a round-nose. it has a fulcrum welded on the back for levering.
its great for moving rocks, well as digging.
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