Baja Honeymoon.... with a pinch of adventure


Perpetual Transient
Disclaimer... This doesn't fall into the expedition, nor even the overland categories but more of a traditional type vacation for most folks. Alexia and I got married last November and put off the honeymoon till late March due to my busy work schedule in the winter and her being a school teacher, we needed to line it up with her spring break. I was literally home for 12 hours before we hopped the plane from Denver to Cabo. We had 9 days to spend getting to unwind, play, and explore a bit.

We rented a casita on the beach just north of the town of Los Barriles. For those unfamiliar with Baja it is about an hour north of San Jose del Cabo (the airport) and is a mecca for kiteboarders and wind surfers on the Sea of Cortez. We rented a Jeep JK Wrangler X, soft top, that looked (and drove) like it had seen some action. This was my first time to Baja and I was REALLY looking forward to it, especially after a 6 months of standing on glaciers and mountains enduring often cruel weather.

Long story short, we fell in love with the area and will be venturing back down again soon. The people we met, the scenery, and the amazing marine life were all incredible. We felt like we were part of the comunity there after only a couple of days. It was a bit refreshing spending the whole time in one area versus travelling through places like I often do on my trips for fun. You definately don't get a feel for a town or a comunity like you do when you just take it all in. With that said though we did explore, up the coast to Bajia del Muertos (renamed now to Bajia del Suenos, nicer image eh?) and down to Cabo Pulmo.

I will simply share pictures with some brief descriptions versus spinning some long yarn. I will say this though, now I really see why people rave so strongly about the Baja peninsula. On to some pics...


The sunrise on the first morning from our casita.


This is something we don't get to see often in Colorado or Michigan... an open kitchen! We bought bags of oranges and made fresh OJ and smoothies every morning after a run. We feasted on homeade pico de gallo and guac and grilled up some AMAZING parrot fish we bought off a dude on the street. I was on the mission to find the best fish tacos, and while I did sample some incredible ones from various little places, the parrot fish tacos we grilled up were simply the best.


Alex made good use of the sun and the beach soaking up quite a bit of both! We had a coral reef directly in front of the house that made for some great snorkelling. We saw the "bat" rays jumping everyday, seals, sea lions, humpback whales, and various other marine life suprisingly close to shore.


view looking up the hill in the neighborhood we were in


Another sunrise from our beach


Taking in the views on the beach rd north of Barriles


I wasn't the only one enjoying bumping around in the arroyos and exploring the dirt roads and two tracks.



Beach combing

more to come...


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Nice!!! It seems like married life is agreeing with you.

This is the type of vacation we love. Settleing in, BSing with the locals, eating the local fare and kicking back. The open kitchen really would have been sweet. The last time we were in Kauai we rented a house with a full kitchen instead of a motel room. Every morning we had papayas and local fruit for breakfast and pokie and fresh fished grilled up for dinner every night. So much more laid back and relaxing then going out to eat everytime.

Thanks for sharing!


Perpetual Transient


I really enjoyed some of the vehicles bombing around down there like this dune buggy converted Vanagon, chopped roof and ballon paddles on the rear! Sweet!


grabbing lunch from a cafe overlooking Barriles


One particularly hot day we drove up an arroyo from the beach till we hit running water.


We stopped at a watefall and climbed up and soaked in the clear pools. It felt pretty good since it was such a harsh landscape. Makes me realize just how much I take the abundant fresh water of the Great Lakes for granted.



Did I mention the cool cars? I think I counted at least 5 different Things in town. Makes me really miss driving mine.



more to come....


Perpetual Transient

The road that heads north towards Bajia del Muertos. It got pretty steep in sections requiring 4wd.





Fisherman at Bajia del Muertos


Crystal clear water there



more to come...


Perpetual Transient
Nice!!! It seems like married life is agreeing with you.

This is the type of vacation we love. Settleing in, BSing with the locals, eating the local fare and kicking back. The open kitchen really would have been sweet. The last time we were in Kauai we rented a house with a full kitchen instead of a motel room. Every morning we had papayas and local fruit for breakfast and pokie and fresh fished grilled up for dinner every night. So much more laid back and relaxing then going out to eat everytime.

Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, I'd say married life is treating me VERY well. I know it is cliche to say but I am a pretty lucky guy I feel. I am the first to admit I am not worthy.

Yeah, that sounds like a pretty damn nice time to me too. I am definately starting to appreciate different things as I get older. Less extreme adventures that push the envelope and more of stopping and smelling the flowers.:sombrero:


Perpetual Transient

Enroute to Cabo Pulmo to explore the reefs via kayak and snorkel


Overburdened pickup with goods to sell


We paddled into a private little cove that we thought would be perfect to snorkel from. As we were paddling in, a giant tiger shark, at least the size of the kayak was circling around us which, for a guy from Lake Superior, is a bit unnerving! Now if it was a giant whitefish I could handle it but we were both a bit spooked. The shark followed us into unbelievably shallow water. We beached the kayak and I watched the shark swim around for a bit before wandering off. After about an hour I decided I would be good and grabbed my mask and fins. Literally as I walked into the water, the shark reappeared and came towards shore. This thing was serious! So, needles to say, no snorkelling for us there! Alex did use her mask to look at stuff in the tidal pools though.


I never realized that crabs could be so fast, and jump! These rocks were covered in them and those little dudes could leap from rock to rock as they scurried away, pretty cool!



this little hermit crab was not as quick


Back in Los Barriles.... North beach with the wind cranking and the kite boarders ripping. Alex kiteboards but didn't bring her gear down, I think next time she will definately partake.


Our last morning. We were sad to go and say farewell to some of our new friends. We fell in love with the town, and the area in general. We have dreams of picking up a little piece of land to use as a basecamp when we are down there, camp on for awhile and eventually build a small place on. We actually put in a low ball offer on this great little piece of property, probably not more than 200 yards from the beach. It is a buyer's market down there and we figured what the heck, let's give it a try. Unfortunately they countered back with just a bit more than we could afford so no bueno. Oh well. At the same time, there are plenty of places to camp and stay down there regardless so it won't be an issue the next time we visit anyway.

Hope you enjoyed the images. We vowed that next time we would drive it though. Down through Copper Canyon with the ferry across to La Paz, then back up the peninsula on the way home. Just gotta find the time and $$ to make the trip happen!:sombrero:


Expedition Leader
Excellent photos and captions. I really enjoyed my time in Los Barriles when I was there in February. How far north did you go on the coastal road out of Los Barriles? It is such a scenic road and when it crosses over the mountians into San Juan de los Planes the road is pretty steep and rough in places. I never saw any tiger sharks when I was snorkelling at Los Frailles, which is just south of Pulmo. Glad I didn't see any, my heart couldn't handle that kind of jolt! :Wow1:

Thanks for posting.


OverCamping Specialist
Congratulations on your marriage.
Excellent pictures and narration.

Beautiful scenery down there.
I would have freaked out had I seen the shark circling my kayak.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Amazing pictures. It seems so quiet.

I really need to go back soon.

For some reason it also reminds me of the Red Sea in Egypt where I took this picture...



Oil eater.
Excellent write up and pics! I've been down the Pacific side to Punta San Juanico but not much of the gulf side except for San Felipe. Thanks a lot!

Deleted member 9101

Guest got me wanting to get married just to go....naaa..I'll just go stag...********.

Great pics, it looks like an awesome experience.


Perpetual Transient
Excellent photos and captions. I really enjoyed my time in Los Barriles when I was there in February. How far north did you go on the coastal road out of Los Barriles? It is such a scenic road and when it crosses over the mountians into San Juan de los Planes the road is pretty steep and rough in places. I never saw any tiger sharks when I was snorkelling at Los Frailles, which is just south of Pulmo. Glad I didn't see any, my heart couldn't handle that kind of jolt! :Wow1:

Thanks for posting.

We took the road all the way over the mountains onto the San Juan de los Planes Rd, then took that to Bajia del Suenos. Yeah, we were pretty bummed that we didn't get to snorkel the reefs there. Next time!

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