Expedition Leader
This is a first for me... I bought an aftermarket styling part for my Jeep. I've never done that before - the JK has no aftermarket accessories at all (I'm not counting the ones I've designed), and the only aftermarket parts on my other two Jeeps are a few suspension parts like 2" spacer lifts and Air Lift 1000 air bag kits. Everything else on all three of my Jeeps I designed and built myself.
I've been thinking the factory front bumper looked too long with the flat fenders:
So I bought a VDP stubby bumper kit. The modification of the factory bumper and installation of the VDP ends was a quick and easy process and I think the mod looks perfect with the flat fenders.
I've been thinking the factory front bumper looked too long with the flat fenders:

So I bought a VDP stubby bumper kit. The modification of the factory bumper and installation of the VDP ends was a quick and easy process and I think the mod looks perfect with the flat fenders.