Thinking out loud about recycling an old idea...
Sixty-six years ago, in 1953, Popular Mechanics published an article entitled
Car Top Sleeper. In it, they provided DIY plans for an early roof top tent:
Forty years ago, in the late 70's, a company called Ever-Wear Products came out with a Jeep CJ soft top that included a similar design roof top tent built into the top. They called it the "Jeeper Sleeper". These photos are from the December 1979 issue of Four Wheeler:
An ad for the Jeeper Sleeper in the same issue lists a retail price of $395.
What if a company provided a DIY RTT kit based on these basic designs? Bows and other hardware plus the ready-to-install canvas could be provided in the kit, along with DIY plans for a platform to mount everything on. The platform wouldn't be much more than a piece of plywood with low sides that the tent would fold into, similar to the platform in the 1953 Popular Mechanics article. The tent bows would easily mount to the platform and the tent would go over the bows and snap to the frame around the platform. The finished RTT could mount on any roof rack.
Construction would also be similar to the "covered wagon" top I made for my military replica trailer a few years ago. Bows and related hardware would be approximately like this:
And the canvas maybe something like this, although probably it would have an awning at each end like most other RTTs have.
I'll bet a kit could be offered for around $250, which means a complete RTT could be DIY-built for not much more than $300.
Dumb idea or good way to make an affordable RTT available to DIYers on a budget?