Design work for the cargo compartments begins with a cardboard mockup. I'm using the JKU because Robert took his 2dr back to PHL after the Thanksgiving weekend. A prototype cargo window/hatch hasn't been made for the JKU yet but this unfinished side panel with no window will do for the prototyping. The panel will have a Molle/Quickfist/generic mounting grid pattern, plus a tray on the bottom (two cans are currently in the tray).
The next step is to do a full size drawing of the grid on the computer that I can print out and paste onto the cardboard.
If anyone's got any suggestions as to what they'd want to store in the compartment, or other features the compartment should have, post your thoughts and I'll do my best to accommodate them in the design.
BTW the black side panel looks so drab against the body color of the Jeep, I'm so glad I painted the hardtop Spice
