With the basic slide working, it's now all about the details.
The solar panel comes with a long cord. For driving at speed with the panel on the roof, something needs to be done to tame the cord. I opened the wiring box on the wiring box on the bottom of the panel to see what my options might be:
The ends of the wires are soldered to lugs inside the box, and the wires enter the box through waterproof grommets, so it's easy to shorten the wire.
To control the plug end, I installed a grommet in the edge of the solar panel and allowed the plug to protrude just enough so it's accessible but not so much that it will flap in the wind at speed. I also installed an end cap to protect the contacts - every milliamp is important so the cap will keep the contacts from corroding.
Then I shortened the wire, dressed it along the bottom of the panel with wire clips and into the wiring box.
When the panel is in use, I'll use an extension wire to reach from the panel to the solar controller in the back of the Jeep. I'll also use the same extension when I need to remove the panel from the slide and place it on the ground to catch the sun if the Jeep can't face the right way.