Neat stuff! I've wired some sideview/rearview cams on the Cherokee to a mini DVR for dashcam purposes (on top of splitting the output to a 4ch monitor).
IIRC the dvr also had some form of network capability... so, if you rigged up constant power and a permanent hotspot in the Jeep you could make it a fully (albeit excessive) jeep item.
But using it to watch the jeeps in the garage sounds more practical. Also, that camera control feature is nifty!
Back in 2016 I put together a camera/DVR system that Retrofit Offroad marketed for a while, it was called TrailVision. It had a dash mounted monitor/DVR and up to 4 cameras. This photo was taken near Moab, it shows the TrailVision system on the dash of the LJ with a split screen view of the trail ahead.
The system turned out to be very useful navigating close clearances on the trail and I still use it regularly when I'm on the trail with the LJ.
I took these photos and videos ascending Saxon Mountain just south of Georgetown in Colorado...
A rockslide is partially blocking the trail at this point. The clearance over the slide is fairly narrow, on the driver's side there are several large boulders, and on the passenger side there's a large overhanging rock. You can see a white spot on the projecting corner of that rock, apparently other vehicles have hit it. After studying the situation for a few minutes, I decided the best line would be to hug the rocks on the driver's side, and then come down from the slide with the driver's side tires on the large rock that's slanting down.
I set up a tripod and took this video with my Nikon. At one point you can see the left turn signal flash briefly, that's when I used the turn signal to switch the camera view to the left side camera - I didn't want to take my hands off the wheel too much, and since my TrailVision system is wired into the turn signals I could switch cameras with my hands on the wheel.
Here's the TrailVision version of the same action. It starts with the windshield view, and then switches to the left camera view to check the dropoff at the edge of the road. Next I switched to the right camera, I wanted to come as close to a rock there as possible to stay away from the edge of the road. Then back to the left camera (this is the turn signal flash seen in the video above), I needed to stay as close to the rocks on the driver's side as possible to stay away from the high rocks on the passenger side. Then at about 22 seconds in, in the left camera I guide the wheel onto the rock that slopes back down to the trail. I need to be on this rock or else I'll scrape the roof on an overhanging rock. Towards the end I switch back to the windshield view.
This next video was taken on the ascent up from Devil's Punchbowl heading towards Crested Butte in Colorado. The trail is a narrow ledge most of the way, with a sharp dropoff into the canyon on one side and tight clearance on the other side so I'm using split screen to monitor both sides.
Almost seven years later, the system is still in the LJ and gets used regularly. All of the wiring stays in place and the monitor/DVR and cameras are stored in an ammo can over the inner fender; when I'm on an expedition the gear comes out of the ammo can and installed; it takes about 10 minutes to install the cameras and monitor.
Actually the TrailVision ammo can is now stored on the passenger side because the tray in the photo above is used for the Trail Kitchen battery.
I did also install the TrailVision system in the JKU but since the LJ is my primary trail Jeep I don't have any good videos of the system in use there. This is a driveway view of the monitor/DVR in the JKU and the image on the screen is a camera mounted facing forward on the driver's side rear view mirror.