Have you heard anything on the possible "windoor" for the 2dr 2011 and up jk?.....
Sorry to bother, REALLY interested. .....
Thank you.
No bother, I'm glad there are people interested in the project
Mostly I've been spending my time on the JK Safari Cab in the last week or two, but a number of things have happened with the hardtop window retrofit project since I last posted about it:
1. I've met with a manufacturer about producing the retrofit kit, which allows the installation of standard flat RV windows on the curved window mounting surface of the hardtop. They're now waiting for me to deliver a prototype retrofit kit to them which they'll use as a reference for making their CAD model for production.
2. I've finished up a first draft of the installation instructions, which covers removing the factory window and installing the retrofit kit and the window. I've sent the instructions along to the company that I'm doing this project for to get any comments they might have about the document and to ensure they're comfortable with the installation procedure.
3. I've confirmed to the RV window company that the prototype frame they made up for me to do initial installation testing with is spot-on for size and angles. They're waiting to hear from me that I want them to start the glass process so they can do a short run of complete slider windows for further testing.
4. Just yesterday afternoon I heard from the company that asked me to do this project that they do want to go ahead and get everything ready for production. Since I've been doing the prototype sized for the late model JKU, that'll probably be the first to be released, and probably with a slider window. The timing of other JK models and any other window styles/hatches are yet to be decided.