I started this project about two years ago - the project started with just the barn door, which was to be part of the eventual JK Safari Cab, but also intended to work with the factory hardtop. I built the molds and molded two barn doors and once they were done I started work on the full hardtop. About a year into the project, and long after my design was committed and concept drawings were posted, the Jeep Underground debuted their "Africa" concept. By coincidence, the Africa has a roof that's very similar to the Safari Cab roof, it's got a barn door in the back, and it has side-mounted jerry cans. When the Africa was revealed some people posted that they thought Jeep got their ideas from my postings since my design was posted long before they showed the Africa, but I believe Jeep worked independently to come up with the Africa design - I think the similarities are just a coincidence.
Some of the similarities and differences:
Barn door. The Africa barn door is one piece, and is larger than the Safari Cab barn door. The Safari Cab barn door is two-piece, and works with the factory tailgate and either the Safari Cab or the factory hardtop.
Roofline. The rooflines of the Africa and the Safari Cab are very similar. The Africa roofline is a bit different from the Safari Cab across the back, and this is partly because of the larger barn door on the Africa. The Safari Cab has Alpine windows in the roof but the Africa does not. The Safari has a drip rail all the way around, including over the barn door, the Africa does not have a drip rail over the barn door.
Roof rack. The Safari Cab has integrated roof rack support; the Africa has a drip rail mounted roof rack. The Safari Cab can also support a drip rail mounted roof rack, but I prefer the ZJ Cherokee rack on the Safari Cab for everyday use.
Jerry Cans. The Africa side mount jerry cans are mounted down low and because of that have to be custom - the cans have an angle cut from the front of them so they clear the fender flares. The Safari Cab side mounts are higher so standard jerry, NATO or Sceptre cans (or Rotopax containers) can be mounted. The Africa cans, because they're custom and on a concept Jeep, are non-functional, although they could be made to carry fuel. BTW the side mount carriers on my Jeep are off-the-shelf items, and bolt to existing bolt holes on the Jeep - no drilling.
Modular vs. Full body. The Africa concept is a full body, the hardtop is not removable. The Safari Cab hardtop is separate from the body, so it installs just like a factory hardtop, but it's also modular, which makes it easy for one person to install/remove and easy to store when off the Jeep. The Africa body is lengthened behind the rear wheels, providing for more cargo space. The Safari Cab fits a standard (non-lengthened) JKU tub. (There's also version of the Safari Cab that can be built for the 2dr JK).
Windows. In addition to the Safari having Alpine windows, the Safari has opening power vent windows on the sides - the Africa side windows are fixed glass just like the factory hardtop windows.
Swappable hard sides/roll-up soft sides. Safari Cab ******
I thought it would be fun to take some pictures with poses similar to some of the published Africa photos, so here goes.
I really like the Africa design, but I'd rather have the Safari Cab with it's extra features