Batteries-sufficient venting?


I was planning to wire in batteries to my trailer this week.
The plan was to have two GC2 6V batteries found here and wire my battery charger and a plug in for shore power all inside of the camper.
I am now learning this this particular type of battery needs to be vented.
I have a maxxfan roof vent that is always open unless driving. Do I need to be worried about adding extra ventilation?
I am considering adding one of these beside where I mount the batteries but again, is that sufficient?
Also the soonest that vent could be delivered is later than I would need it as I have a trip planned to Idaho near the end of august and I have to have the batteries in and wired so I can run the fan to keep the wife happy. Am I taking a big risk with this set up?


Why not get AGM batteries?
I am actually looking into that right now.
The reason i wanted those particular batteries was because it seemed like the best bang for my buck.
Im trying to figur out if there are any AGM batteries that will fulfill my load requirements (about 170 AH per camping trip) but I'm having a hell of a time trying to understand the battery specs.


Well-known member
... reason i wanted those particular batteries was because it seemed like the best bang for my buck.… .

if you haven't purchased them yet, it may be a more cost effective alternative to get a different battery style and not have other considerations (vents & associated hardware/ installation strategy) with which to deal. more $$$ spent upfront, but less in the over-all result.


If you seal them up, then must vent, boom bad.

Some are more sensitive than others, and if you live in the snow, lower CFM targeted to venting is worthwhile.

But if it's warm enough that you can just increase general ventilation, no problem.

Do not go AGM unless you have a more compelling reason, if budget is an issue.


Expedition Leader
Just crack a window ffs, you aren't going to trap hydrogen. People's attempts to encapsulate batteries do more harm than good. Concentrating the very fumes you want to dissipate. Verkstad's always going 'worst case'. Literally billions of batteries made every year, he steers you to the statistically insignificant failures. His constant doomsaying is a disservice to the community.

PV Hiker

Just a couple of thoughts on the wet cell batteries as I don't know your plans or space required.
Raise the spare tire and mount the batteries on the tongue against the camper. (increases tongue weight).
Keep the batteries inside but encase them in a plastic box with a outside door access with vent slots.


Grumpy Old Man
All lead-acid batteries should be vented, the smaller the enclosed space the more critical it is to vent. They all can vent hydrogen gas under the right circumstances. If the space is small enough there should be no devices capable of generating sparks in the same compartment, vented or not.

If you are charging at the proper bulk/absorb/float voltages neither FLA or AGM will release hydrogen gas. If your charging voltage is too high, both will.

Some people are more sensitive to the smell of vented gasses than others. Others have had open FLA batteries in their campers for years with no problems. The amount of hydrogen gas is small and it needs to be concentrated in a small area to become a hazard.



Yes containment is critical so batts don't fly around in a crash.

Only enclose & vent outside if **you** are very sensitive to their specific offgassing, which can be done later.

Otherwise millions of FLA batteries live inside the passenger space without any special venting, no problems at all.


Fine if you don't mind spending lots more.

Not just up front, but especially over time on a per AH per year basis.

And maybe need special much more expensive charging gear, can't charge properly off your vehicle's native circuits, etc.

Just to avoid **maybe** needing to put in a little venting? Pish. . .


Well what I am gathering is that it's a good idea to vent.
I have ordered a vent but will still go ahead with the batteries in the mean time.
Thanks for the advice folks

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