Paradigm Shift
A 'Solar 101' Rule I incorporated into our new House is 'energy you store and never lose, you never have to replace'. Our 6" Slab Floor and super-Insulation minimizes Space Heating energy input needs forever.
Applied to Electricity, the RV Big Rig Owners create some Systems from which things can be learned, even though that Lifestyle is not the ideal here. >1,000 AH Battery Banks for Boondocking are not unheard of.
Series/parallel Golf Cart Batteries would allow TV Charging en route with long Boondocking times between charging from any source. For example, only 2 of 4 Batteries can be used if recharging will occur more often. I was all ready to go Solar PV with my next install, but will TV/Genny charge instead. I loves my Gauges, so Meters and a Battery State-of-Charge chart are necessities. 'Knowledge is power', no pun intended.
PV breakage; shading; theft; sunny parking location, etc., all disappear as issues. Driving around to recharge, as mentioned above, applies only to non-flywheel-sized Battery Banks and/or higher-than-req'd energy consumption rates. A 'Sine Wave' plot of energy use/replacement time has greater excursions. The Boondocking time available is greater; the recharge time and amperage rate is as well. Wire sizes are rethought, and very large.
Rigid PolyIso Insulation, at > R-7/inch - with Vents cut as req'd - can enclose any technology Fridge or Cooler to lower replacement energy needs. Freezing Ice Blocks is another thermal flywheel.
'Astrofoil' under the bottom Bedding, and in key 'warm zone' areas, minimizes Electric Blanket usage or Space Heating requirements by utilizing Body Heat Infrared 'Space Blanket' style.
There's a type that is flat and has no 'Bubblepack' construction. I used it above our Attic to reflect Summer heat out of the Attic, allowing Ceiling super-Insulation to work 'against' ~30 F degree cooler Summer Attic temps. Indestructible material.
Zero Energy Use Houses first appeared >3 decades ago in Mags like 'Practical Homeowner' and 'Mother Earth News'. I modeled my hybrid Solar design after a >20 year old article in 'Home Power Magazine'. These Houses are now built for turnkey occupancy nearby in Boulder CO, as well as in Germany [to name 2 places]. The concepts apply to portable domiciles on wheels herein, but it takes some discipline to fundamentally rethink old assumptions and accept new ones. Energy doesn't become 'free'. You simply time-shift the input, and source, of it.
The cheapest Watt available is the Watt never needed, thanks to Conservation; Insulation; and storage after initial charging.