Bears and Overlanding

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
How safe would an electric fence be for use with a camp with kids who don't know any better, or aren't careful enough? Can they be injured? Or is it just VERY unpleasant?

Just don't accidentally wee on it in the middle of the night! :eek: :smilies27 :xxrotflma
If a bear encounter devolves to the use of firearms the result I want is a bear skin rug! We live in bear country here in NM I am not overly paranoid about them, we keep a clean camp and take all reasonable precautions, If a bear justs wants to be a bear fine it can, but if it worries me at all IT IS CARPET end of the story!

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Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Not to get too far off topic, but in my neck of the woods, we have coyote issues in camp. I usually scent mark strategically around the camp before going to sleep, and it works well.

The question is... do bears even care? I know they can smell testosterone better than the coyotes, and have to recognize it as a scent mark. How likely is it that they would ignore it and do as they please, being used to being the top predator in any area they occupy?


About unwanted visits w/Bears

I think that wilderness camping is a least likely encounter w/Bears unless you are sloppy with your food and food waste then in an established campsite as is the opinion of those of you posted on the topic. However it could still happen even in a remote not often used camping area. Just this past summer I observed fresh (the night before) black Bear tracks on the trail near the creek ford about 75 yds from my campsite one morning, (ADK mtns, upstate NY) no problems if he/she came in to inspect my campsite not to worry I do have a clean campsite and store food etc. and sleep in the back of my truck. Now that being said, I always bring my 12 ga. sxs Coach gun with me and have l have it loaded with 2 rds of 2 3/4" SLUGS, 2 more slugs and 3 00 buck in a butt cuff, no rubber slugs or any other such stuff, IF (and I would go to any length to avoid any close encounters with a Bear) I would not want to hurt/anger or tick off a Bear, rubber slugs??? I would shoot to stop. (Use your own definition of stop) if I had to shoot at all because I felt they were too close for comfort, threatening, and not interested in leaving, judgement call in the moment. As with ANY living thing, 4 legged or 2 legged that has become threatening to your well being the use of a firearm is serious business if used as a means to STOP the the encounter, but when I think of the possible out come of not having a way to STOP such things, well I will err on the side of being prepared, just my .02 worth, stay safe, mjmcdowell


Electric Bear Fence

We have the Electro Bear Guard LWC kit with 160 ft. of electric fence. The kit is compact, we usually set it up in a 20ft. x 60ft configuration. This way we can get our Jeep, trailer & shower/toilet tent inside the fence.

How Does The Electric Fence Work?
Don't Try This At Home!


I think you'll get a KICK out of this!


We have the Electro Bear Guard LWC kit with 160 ft. of electric fence. The kit is compact, we usually set it up in a 20ft. x 60ft configuration. This way we can get our Jeep, trailer & shower/toilet tent inside the fence.

Cool , thank you for advice .
Question did that really work ?

In video yes , but in real life any body have personal experience

Bears cool to watch , and not so funny when they have way to much interest about your gear ctr

Thank you

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Not to get too far off topic, but in my neck of the woods, we have coyote issues in camp. I usually scent mark strategically around the camp before going to sleep, and it works well.

The question is... do bears even care? I know they can smell testosterone better than the coyotes, and have to recognize it as a scent mark. How likely is it that they would ignore it and do as they please, being used to being the top predator in any area they occupy?

I know this is an old thread, but it's a good one and it should be read by those contemplating traveling in bear country.
As is this one:

However, I did want to respond to this question by Mr.Leary and not leave it hanging out in cyberspace....
Bears (when I say bears I mean both Black and Griz) are not territorial in the same way that many other predators or mammals are. Without going into tremendous depth, I'm sure we can all recall pictures or videos we've seen of multiple grizzlies feeding on salmon in Alaskan rivers. That's just a small snapshot. They tend to co-exist much better with each other than we do with them. They even consistently interact with each other in smaller areas. They will cover a lot of miles, but will interact closely if there is a good food source to be shared- even if it's just one elk carcass.

Also- much of the reason sow bears are so protective of their cubs is due to the fact that when a sow has cubs, they will stay with her for possibly 3-4 years, black bears usually 2-3. So, sow bears only go into heat after their cubs move on and begin their lives away from mama. Well, apparently male bears know this and will attempt to kill of the cubs simply to be able to mate with the sows and reproduce his line. Animal cruelty at it's finest. The largest cause of death for grizzly bear cubs is male grizzlies.

That's all I've got to say, hopefully it adds a bit more info to the discussion.

Oh, and FYI, if any of y'all are in or around Bozeman, MT, the REI here hosts an excellent lecture on "Bears and the Backcountry" about once a month from May through November with a local bear behavioral specialist. I highly recommend it. Dates for the lectures can be found with a bit of searching on REI's website under local store events.

luke wl.

New member
So would the best solution for a roof top tent on top of my truck be a bear can or two? What about a Yeti Cooler (they are bear proof correct?) just placed far away from the truck? Or would I need to hang it?

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