About unwanted visits w/Bears
I think that wilderness camping is a least likely encounter w/Bears unless you are sloppy with your food and food waste then in an established campsite as is the opinion of those of you posted on the topic. However it could still happen even in a remote not often used camping area. Just this past summer I observed fresh (the night before) black Bear tracks on the trail near the creek ford about 75 yds from my campsite one morning, (ADK mtns, upstate NY) no problems if he/she came in to inspect my campsite not to worry I do have a clean campsite and store food etc. and sleep in the back of my truck. Now that being said, I always bring my 12 ga. sxs Coach gun with me and have l have it loaded with 2 rds of 2 3/4" SLUGS, 2 more slugs and 3 00 buck in a butt cuff, no rubber slugs or any other such stuff, IF (and I would go to any length to avoid any close encounters with a Bear) I would not want to hurt/anger or tick off a Bear, rubber slugs??? I would shoot to stop. (Use your own definition of stop) if I had to shoot at all because I felt they were too close for comfort, threatening, and not interested in leaving, judgement call in the moment. As with ANY living thing, 4 legged or 2 legged that has become threatening to your well being the use of a firearm is serious business if used as a means to STOP the the encounter, but when I think of the possible out come of not having a way to STOP such things, well I will err on the side of being prepared, just my .02 worth, stay safe, mjmcdowell