What about sub-floor gun storage? You could stash a frame-mounted metal compartment under the ambo box and give yourself a trap door in the plywood floor. That would make taking long guns a lot easier.
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Chris at UJoint makes this underfloor storage box system for the vans, but I'm pretty sure it would work for the ambulances also.
Part#: RS001-BOX
Price: $549.00
Desc: This is our underfloor storage that can be utilized with the rear skid system or not. It attaches to the van body, not the skid and is made from 3/16 Aluminum. Dims are 32.75 x 11.75 x 13 and we powder coat all of it but the interior of the box as shown.
The problem with this is, an AR-15 with a 16" barrel and a Magpul collapsible stock in the collapsed position, is right at 33" long, which is too long for this box. However, the weapon(s) could be broken down into the upper and lower receiver sections and they would fit nicely along with some mounts, dividers, or even foam. Chris could probably even make a box a little longer but you may have to turn it long ways, and I'm sure the price would go up considerably.
The problem with this storage system for guns is dirt, moisture, quick accessibility. Dust and Dirt can sift down around the edges of the floor panel, unless you insulate it as good or better that the Module itself, moisture will probably accumulate inside, and anything sitting on the floor above it would have to be moved before you can access the compartment. And for us old and decrepit guys with bad backs, getting down on your hands and knees in a hurry is not fun!
Personally, I believe using the compartments over the bench area is the better choice. Depending on how many you want to hide in there, a matching false back might be the ticket to hide them. You would still have to move and items (usually small) stored in there to gain access, but the other two factors wouldn't come into play.