Tried my hand at auto upholstery today and I'm afraid McKayla Maroney would not be impressed.
This part was easy!
Lookin good so far.
Doing all the pockets took wayyy longer than expected. My inexperience I'm sure was a major factor. I had a hard time figuring out what should be layered in what order.
I still have to do a bit more but I ran out of sticky stuff, and couldn't wait to see what it would look like, so I popped it back in. A couple of pockets, one lid and a couple of hinges and I should be good to go. That mat could be a real pain in the ******** to cut. I used a utility knife with fresh blades and some portions would cut like butter while others wanted to just rip and tear. Not sure what was up with that, but I wouldn't doubt it was because I didn't know what I was doing.
Tomorrow I should finish up and have it bolted back down. A few cup holders in the lids should finish things up, at least for now, but I might want to run some power to the center console so they can plug in their game consoles and what-not. As long as it holds up I'll be happy with it. Time will tell.
It was more expensive than I figured. I spent $50 on the covering but I bought way more than I'm going to need. The 3M spray adhesive added about another $54 to the project. Not giving that stuff away because I only bought 3 cans.
Now I just have to figure out what to do with the leftover material.
And now my seats look ugly in comparison.