Do you have a lowrance?
Sent while mobile, typos likely.
Also, New map cards with ham radio repeaters mapped out and sat imagery (1 Meter per pixel), trail heads with trail summary's, traced 4x4 trailsetc. are coming out soon.
Still using and liking my 540C...but support from Lowrance has been pathetic for software (maps) and not much better for hdwr. The Gen2 models look interesting...but who is selling topo maps for them? Is the repeater info resident or 3rd party?
Using a Baja for APRS in/out is on my list too...
Did have. Had a 540c hard mounted to my old Jeep. Loved it and hated it. Nothing better on the planet for displaying where you are, and way pointing is super easy, and good map data.
Hated the operating system. Hated the PC software. Didn't like the limited storage media reading capacity. Hated the limit on number of cards you could write to. Didn't like the fact that the unit ALWAYS drew power even when off (it keeps tabs on where you are). Strongly disliked Lorance's attempts at customer service.
Today, I'd buy an IPad Mini over a 540c, but every trip I go out, I find myself missing the 540![]()
Picked up a Lowrance Elite 5m Gold, together with an external antenna, (see for regular price: http://www.pciraceradios.com/ProductDetail.jsp?LISTID=-4518242454402596607) + Baja maps on a microSD card, at the Sand Sports Super Show a month or so ago, at a discounted price that was too difficult to resist.
Thinking about picking up a Topo Insight PRO 2013 West microSD card (http://www.lowrance.com/en-US/Products/Mapping/Topo-InsightPRO-West-en-us.aspx) for topo map level detail of the west of the U.S.
SteeevO - Is what you're doing completely separate from Topo Insight PRO? Or does it build on that? Or does it use a separate but similar level of topo detail to Topo Insight PRO?
Also, I noticed that Rugged Rocks sells a map of all the trails at Johnson Valley, which I have no doubt is highly useful (especially for KoH), but at $80 the price seems rather obscene, especially when Topo Insight PRO offers topo detail at 30 feet intervals at a similar price for half of the whole of the U.S., rather than a single offroad area. I appreciate that it takes a lot of time & effort to accurately map all the different trails out, and that it has more limited market than Topo Insight PRO, but at $80 I think that's likely out of reach for all but JV/KoH fanatics, or those who live nearby & wheel there almost exclusively.
Anyway, I'm looking at pulling the trigger on ordering Topo Insight PRO 2013 West on microSD card sometime this week, and just wondering what other potential options there are & what pricing would be like?
Yes, what I'm doing is completely separate from Topo insight pro cards.
The Johnson Valley card is brand new and has satellite imagery w/ hill shading on it rather than topo along with all the latest trails, local roads, some key points of interest. the sat imagery is also not just the Hammers area but the entire J.V. OHV area.
The satellite imagery is a resolution of 1 meter / pixel. (one pixel in the image is 1 meter on the ground)
If you've seen the Polaris XTR Lowrance with the Polaris map cards (polaris cards are $200 for a handfull of states), those are at a 8 meter / pixel. The JV cards are a much much higher resolution.
with that said, what would you figure an acceptable price would be?
Thats pretty nice.